Wedding Anniversary Celebration, Um…Beat Down at Slayers of the Dragon.

Event Date

Oct 20, 2016

Not Listed was Flo.  Sign up on the site brother!

It was a beautiful morning in the gloom where 6 brothers embarked on a journey of slaying dragons, demons and whatever else came in their way.  Today is a special day for me as it marks my wedding anniversary.  A great way to honor the M and I is to dish out a little pain to the unsuspecting Pax…and YHC.  With bells in hand…we were ready to kick start the shenanigans.


Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey with bell overhead to third lot on side of GCC and circle up

Warm O Rama

10x SSH IC

20x Mountain Climbers IC


10X Cotton Pickers IC

20x Mericans IC

15x Squats

The Thang

10x Curls IC

20 KB Swings OYO

15 Shoulder Press IC

Lap around lot for the runners

Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to next lot towards Hell’s Ascent

10x Skull Crusher IC

20x Russian Twists IC

15x T Bag Squat IC

Lap around lot for the runners

Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to lot in front of Hell’s Ascent

10x Mericans IC

15x Chest Press with our without low flutter (Audidble) Arms were already smoked so changed from 20 to 15x IC

20x Squats without bells (Supposed to be 15 but added the extra 5 to keep with the pattern.

Take a lap for the runners.

Rinse and repeat once again.

Oh wait…there is still time for hill work?  Much to the dismay of the mumblechatter, yes…one more round to go.

Bottom of Hell’s Ascent, 5x 8 count KB Burner.  Bear crawl up.  1 Burpee.  Run/walk down (a little moist to say the least) 4x 8 count Burner.  Bear Crawl up and 2 burpees and repeato until 1 burner on bottom and 5 burpees up top. 

Nice, brutal finisher on the legs and arms.

Mosey back to launch.


10x LBC’s IC

20x Dying Cockroach IC

15x Low Dolly IC

Recover Recover


The Pax certainly put in the work today.  It may not look like much reading the BB, but when you start getting into 15/20 reps with the bells, especially the 45 OB was wheeling, you feel it.

Never thought I would say this but actually enjoyed the running in between…I think the Pax concur.

Some grumbling when mentioned work on Hell’s Ascent…Some griping when mentioned burpees involved…I doubt Bunyon complained.  Hey, could have been a lot worse! Trust me!

Congrats to LaBon on taking over the MQ of Mad Scientist.  Start signing up to Q.

Great individual work by Over Budget, Bandwagon, Flo, LaBon and Bunyon…appreciate you showing up and sharpening the iron.

Obviously there was a little pattern for today’s ton of fun.  Today is 10/20 and the M and I have been married for 15 years. Hence 10/20/15. We don’t have many days we get to “celebrate” but this is certainly one of them as difficult as it may be.  Needless to say we have been through a lot, especially these past 5+ months but we are blessed to have each other.  Love you babe.

And I am blessed to have all you brothers.  Truly appreciate the support, even for those who are afraid to show up to an Olive Q! 😉

Live life.  Own every second.  And never, never take anything for granted!
