Wednesday Denver Run Club – Hide & Seek

Event Date

Apr 04, 2018


Dandelion drops a preblast out last night that he wants to Q a Wacky Wednesday Run.

Skipper and GW hard commit.

9:30:  GW moves the run up to 5am; Skipper never sees it, Dandelion confirms it

5am: GW and Dandelion take off from their casas; Skipper wakes up and reads the new start time. UGH!

5:09: Skipper takes off from his casa – heads out back entrance to find the other two

GW and Dandelion head to the boat ramp.  Skipper head down McCconnell, sees nobody, so then proceeds to the boat ramp on a hunch that would be where they went.

Turns out I Skipper guessed the right direction, however GW and Dandelion decide to go off course a bit on Cottonwood and Skipper misses them on the first pass.

GW and Dandy then go to Governors Island, Skip loops around the boat ramp and heads that way as well.

GW drops at his house to start work early, and Skipper finally finds Dandelion, lost, scared and with a dead GPS watch near Covington.  Skip and Dandy then continue on to the back Sailview entrance where Dandy heads home and Skipper gets some neighborhood work in.  All got in before the T-Storm hits.  Roughly 6-7 miles.

Prayers were continued for Vortex's vest fix and to Mustang who I also heard had a workout today down South.
