Wednesday with Blocks

7 made that day at work and hit the favorite Wednesday workout!!


SSH x 20

Frankenstein x 10


Folding arm hang

Plank Jack x 10

IST x 10


Grab some blocks

Line up side by side and each Pax call 5 steps, with Zamperini, then calls out 5 overhead presses / Skull crushers…..I think about 55 steps and 55 presses.

Partner up

Partner sit-up with feet in blocks – 10 – bump fist

One partner planks on block and other partner does shoulder presses with partner legs – 5 press – flip flop

One arm plank press on brick x 5 and 5 Merkins then one arm plank press on brick x 5

Block curls over bars x 5

Over and back over bars  – 5

One arm plank press on brick x 5 and 5 Merkins then one arm plank press on brick x 5

Over and back over bars  – 5

Block merkins x 5

Each PAX call out 5 block sit-ups

Gasers x 4 rounds

Line up side by side and each Pax call 5 steps, with Zamperini, then calls out 5 overhead presses, skull crushers, and curls

Shoulder touch merkins x 15

5 Block burpees

Each PAX call each 5 block sit-ups



Something got in a little over 2 miles solo and Camelback with Swanson rucked

Pitstop thanks for allowing me to Q, I appreciate the opportunity.