The Thang

Warm Up:

  • SSH x 15 (IC)

  • IST x 10 (IC)

  • Windmill x 10 (IC)

  • Dwight Schrute x 10 (IC)


  • Grab a carpetbagger-supplied weight (or cinder block) and mosey to bottom of the parking deck


Round 1

  • Mosey with coupon to the first landing, 10 curls

  • Leave coupon, run back to the bottom of the parking deck, 10 WW2 situps

  • Run back to your coupon, mosey to the next landing, 15 curls

  • Leave coupon, run back to the bottom of the parking deck, 10 WW2 situps

  • Repeato through all 6 landings, finishing at the top with 35 curls

  • Mary at the top until all PAX finish

  • Stairs back to the bottom of the parking deck


Round 2

  • Park your coupon

  • run to the first landing, 5 jump squats

  • Run back to the bottom of the parking deck, 5 burpees

  • Run to the next landing, 10 jump squats

  • Run back to the bottom of the parking deck, 5 burpees

  • Repeato through all 6 landings, finishing at the top with 30 jump squats

  • Mary at the top until all PAX finish


  • Stairs back to the bottom of the parking deck, grab your weight and return it to CB’s truck




FNG-1 = Kilt

Thanks to Popcorn for sharing the AO and allowing Dingo and I lead these fine men!

Total Miles: 2.3-2.4 depending on the quality of your watch

Average Heart Rate: 141 bpm