Wednesday WOD Courtesy of OEW

A few months ago a Wednesday WOD popped in my feed courtesy of Operation Enduring Warrior.  It caught my eye because it was named "Kelly" which just so happens to be my hospital name (no, it's not The Count).  As I was planning today's workout and given it's the week of Veterans Day, it was a great opportunity to honor our vets with this workout.


If you ran the standard, you were warm.  Not everyone ran, so we moseyed to the Veterans Memorial in uptown Huntersville (which is beautiful, by the way).  We began with a brief disclaimer and The Pledge of Allegiance.  

Then we got down to business:

Cotton Picker x10IC

Windmill x10IC

Toy Soldier x10IC


'Mericans x10IC (when you start at the Veterans Memorial, of course, you do 'Mericans!)

Mosey back to the corner of DPK.


5 Rounds OYO:

Box Jumps x10SC

Air Squats x10SC

Reverse Alternating Lunges x10SC each leg

Hustle to the top of the parking deck, down the stairs to the basement and back to the corner.

Once everyone was done, we moseyed to the deck.  We lined up into two lines and did sprints to the top of the first level.  Everyone in line had the honor of doing burpees.  We repeato'd, only we did air squats instead.


Around the world, as all PAX had the chance to lead a MARY exercise.


1.  Operation Sweet Tooth Toy Drive is in full effect!  Coordinate drop off with Olive!

2.  Speaking of fast, Vandelay is screamin' fast.  #BRR2019orBust!

3.  T-claps to JO, Bob Ross and Vandelay for supporting me on The Standard.

4.  Glad that Ramrod is finally able to wear his KC Chiefs sweatshirt with pride!

5.  So, Caboose works for Train, wait….maybe it's Trane?!  Ah, maybe he doesn't work for Trane.  Anyhow, that's how he got his nickname.

6.  Judge Scrappy in the house and fast as always.  Congrats again, brother!  

7.  Happy to say we did not lose Rooter!  Cobains, again, about that fateful day at Fartlek.  On the bright side, you know Cedarfield and the greenway like the back of your hand now!

8.  Omar was strong!

Always an honor to lead in the gloom!  Thanks for the opportunity, men!

The Count