Week 3 IPC – Midweek edition

Event Date

Sep 19, 2019

Where the schedule doesn't permit for a Saturday post , 5 PAX put in the work needed for Week 3 of the IPC. One to go Thank Goodness!!!

For a solid 43 minutes complete AMRoundsAP , tally the total and that is the score.

10 Pull-ups

15 Burpee Block Jump Overs

20 Curls

25 Squat Thrusters

30 Gas Pumpers (Reverse Crunches)

Each Round is 100 reps

Slice and dice but complete the round before heading onto the next ….


– Discussion of form, results from previous weeks and so on but all put in the effort. SOLID !

– Mulch was nice and made for a great abacus

– Clark *shwing* Just does it better – 681

– Hefty  grabs some new SVUish blocks for the Pax *clapping* – 546

– Rebound *muscle* Just solid – 660

– Sonar *bandit* Ninja like focus this morning – 523

– Ziploc *fistbump* good night of sleep finally and glad as always to suffer alongside my brothers – 655