Week 3 of IPC at BRP: The Wobble

16 hard-chargers weren't scared this morning. YHC and Slingshot did a slow standard to warm-up on a chilly morning. Once the pax gathered, instructions and demonstrations were given. We then picked a side and waited for Popcorn's timer to go off.


The IPC Thang AKA The Wobble

?EMOM Timer Set for 2 minutes. Complete the exercises below, but every 2 minutes you have to run 50 yards between two points.

  • 50 Kraken Burpees (3 hand release merkins to a burpee = 1)

Run 400M

  • 50 BDE burpees (burpee, to a Bonnie Blair/jumping lunge (1 on each leg), to a squat = 1)

Run 800M

  • 50 Bonnie Blairs/Jumping Lunge (right leg-left leg= 1).

Run 1200M


  • Low Flutters (DonHo)
  • Low Dolly (DonHo)
  • Pulse (Moses)
  • WWII  (Bagboy)
  • Monkey Humpers (Qbert)
  • Low Flutter (Popcorn)
  • Mericans (Cherry Bomb)
  • J-Lo (Amen)

Recover. Recover.


  • This one…sucked. The first round was brutal and made me feel like a newborn baby trying to lift it's head up off the ground. The second round was true to the name of the workout as YHC was wobblin'. By round 3, all emotions and physical feeling left my body and it was just automatic mode.
  • Everyone was pushing hard today and finished the workout. It was great to see so many pax willing to do something hard.
  • We took a group pic and the pax had mixed feelings. Despite initial protests, Swing State took his shirt off for the picture without anyone asking him. Soooo…..
  • Tclaps for the ladies who have been dealing with us for the last 4 weeks. One more week and we'll be out of your hair!

Thanks to all those who came out today. Can't wait to see a big crowd next week – rumor is there might be coffee and donuts. Gotta show to know! Until then – CB
