Week of Fleek Day 1: The Hill People get Fleek-ed

YHC started off the Week of Fleek aka WOF with a north of the border Q to try and save #MachoMan in Race City. Great AO up there not sure why it will not pull #s. Maybe if people knew what time it actually starts and it was on the website that would help? But what does YHC know?


  • Mosey to Parking Lot
  • Lunge Walk halfway then Crab Walk to curb
  • Butt Kicker halfway then High Knees

COP on the Soccer Fields:

BKOI runs back to get the six which was Dallas who was coming in hot like always.

  • SSH IC x 10
  • IST IC x 10
  • Soy Bean Farmer IC x 10
  • Mountain Climbers IC x 15

Tires and Slosh Pipe Partner Work:

  • Partner 1 takes slosh pipe and Zamperini to far end of soccer fields 10 Squats
  • Partner 2 flips tires towards Partner 1
  • Flapjack back and forth until tire reaches end of field
  • Head back same stuff but 10 curls for girls with Slosh Pipes instead of Squats
  • Placed the toys back in their homes

Mosey to Picnic Tables @ far Soccer Sideline:

  • Partner 1 quadrophilia up the hill – 5 burpees
  • Partner 2 single leg step-ups until Partner 1 returns
  • Flapjack dropping 1 burpee each time up until done

Mosey to YMCA building for People's Chair and Air Presses IC x 10

Mosey to Parking Lot

  • Broad Jump Burpees across parking lot
  • Curb Merkins L&R IC x 8

Mosey back to Hope Park for MARY

  • LBC IC x 15
  • Low Flutter IC x 15
  • Low Dolley IC x 15
  • Mason Twists IC x 15



  1. MachoMan is a solid AO. Lots of stuff to do there. Lift heavy things. Run. Run and lift heavy things. Long Live #MachoMan but RIP #FatJoe
  2. Thanks to Pierogi and the rest of the hill people for allowing me to Q today to kick off WOF. What better place than Race City?
  3. TClaps to Dallas (soon to be 1stF Q) for earning the first WOF Patch. Shaving Fleek into your head when you're an adult is pretty awesome. 
  4. Curb Merkins brought out the dark side of BKOI. Wow… Hide yo kids, hide yo wife!
  5. To earn some points and understand what is WOF check out the PB HERE !! Hope to see more people out this week.
  6. Was great to celebrate another year on this big spining rock we call Earth. 37 years young and thank the man above for bringing F3 into my life. TClaps to Loop for getting me out in the gloom that August morning 4 years ago.