Week of Fleek Day #2: YHC returns home to the AO of my very first post. Was 8/17/12. Mac n Cheese had the Q and the rest is history as they say. Today was windy as all get out but warm so that was nice.
- Mosey through parking lanes – forward then backwards, side-step L&R, high knees, butt kickers, then regular to the far corner of parking lot for COP
- SSH IC x 37 for YHC B'day on 11/27
- Imperial Storm Squats IC x 10
- Windmill IC x 12
- Merkins IC x 12
- Mountain Climbers IC x 15
Mosey to Brick Planters:
- 10 dips IC followed by 10 ledge step-ups
- Repeato to 8
- Repeato to 6
- Repeato to 4
- Repeato to 2
Mosey over to BBC Quad Area:
- Partner Helping Hands 5 each hand and flapjack
- Lunge walk towards BBC
- Bear Crawl other half of the way
- I Think we did an exercise here but cannot recall
Mosey to Gazebo:
- Partner wheelbarrow over and through Gazebo. Flapjack and back through.
- Partner Plank Shoulder Presses on Bench SC x10.
- Repeato to 8
- Repeato to 6
- Repeato to 4
- Repeato to 2
- Circle up around Gazebo and Elbow Plank Jacks IC x 15
- Shoulder Plank to Ronny Reagan and then Bill Clinton
Mosey to Hill next to Teeter:
- 1 Burpee – Bear Crawl up – 1 Burpee – Crawlbear back down
- Ladder the burpees up to 2, 3, 4, and then 5.
- Quadrophilia up the hill 10 squats
- Repeato
- Tripeato
- Quadpeato but with 7 squats to end on 37
Return to Teeter Parking Lot for MARY
- Elbow Plank 1 minute
- Crunchy Frog IC x 15
- Mason Twists IC x 15
- Outlaw took over and we did Rosa Lita IC x 37!
- TClaps to Mooch for his fleekness today and earning a WOF Patch. You workout in a teal polo and Nantucket red shorts (which I know I've worn before) while it's rainy and windy, you get a patch.
- Also, Mini-Me and Gnarly Goat auto-patched too since they saw things that only they can explain during Partner Plank Should Presses. Moon River!
- Outlaw really does hate Burpees. I counted 2 acts of aggravated assault. But he is stronger for it now so that is good. Nice 1988 SI Sweatshirt. Not fleek.
- Solid mumblechatter and group of OG's today.
- That Burpee hill ladder sucked and YHC regretted it by round 4.
- Mooch, 9-Lives, Mini-Me, Burner, Turnpike, and Fenway met the standard. Nice job men. Stay off my lawn and off my car. The cameras and defense measures are installed next week.
- Best part of the COT was M-16 asking YHC what fleek is. Not sure if serious or not. Thinking serious.
- Solid Day 2 to Week of Fleek. For more info on the rest of the week and ideas on what fleek is and how to earn fleek points or an auto-patch CLICK HERE