Week of Fleek Nighttime Edition

Event Date

Nov 30, 2016

YHC decided a double down Q @ Night Ranger was a good idea after the morning beatdown @ Mad Scientist. YHC was wrong, but we pushed through and gave the PAX of 4 a solid beatdown, then onto HDHH to beatdown the other patrons in trivia.


  • Mosey down to the basement of the DPK parking deck for COP
  • SSH IC x 10
  • Windmill IC x 10
  • Imperial Storm Squats IC x 10
  • Peter Parker IC x 10
  • Parker Peter IC x 10

The PAX Took the stairs up to the top of the deck and worked our way down, back up, back down, and back up again while doing various exercises and movements that included but are not limited to: 

  • Bear Crawls
  • Burpee Ladders
  • Dips
  • Merkins
  • Low, Slow, Squats
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Side Step L&R
  • Karaoke L&R
  • Inch Worm
  • PAX Frog Jumpovers
  • Plank Walks
  • More Bear Crawls
  • Proper Mosey
  • Crawlbears
  • Low Flutter
  • Low Dolley
  • LBCs
  • Homer to Marge
  • WWII Sit-ups
  • And lots of other fun stuff YHC thouht of on the fly while punishing the PAX


  1. Apologies to the PAX for not writing down my workout or remembering each thing we did. There was a lot, it was my second Q that day, and 4th in 3 days. I know these are all excuses and for that I apologize. 
  2. TClaps for Mr. Burns showing up while still injured and earning an auto-patch @ trivia @ HDHH. Good work and goodbye soccer arms!
  3. TClaps to Beast and Strutter for showing up to a rainy beatdown @ Night Ranger. Prayers to brother Freedom as he heals up and hopefully can rejoin us again soon. What a great AO day and night.
  4. HDHH will rise again like a Phoenix from the fire! Mark my words. Make HDHH on Fleek again!
  5. YHC is smoked. Mentally and physically from the WOF and we still have 2 more workouts. I hope other members of the Isotope family might look to Q an entire week. I have seriously enjoyed the challenge and the fun it has created. Advil and ACRT are the Rx for me this weekend.
  6. 1st patches will be passed out @ Dragon Slayer tomorrow.