Weekend Warriors

Event Date

Dec 29, 2018


Right over Left / Left over Right

20 x IC SSHs

10 x Cotton Pickers IC

20 x Monkey humpers

20 x IST IC

10 x Knerkin IC (knuckle merkins)

20 burpees OYO

Parking lot mosey to black pile

Grab a block and line up

Bear crawl uphill with block drag

After completing each round sprint to wall climb. Retrieve block and hold overhead for the 6

Round 1

20 IC x Flutter Kicks with block press

20 x IC High Knees w/ Block


20 x IC Skull crushers

20 OYO Russian swings

20 x IC Squats w/ block

20 x IC Block overhead calf raises

Round 2

20 x IC Block Butt kickers 

20 x IC Block press

10 x IC Curl Right

10 x IC Curl Left

10 x IC Curl Right

10 x IC Curl Left

Hold block overhead for 20 x 4 count IC

Ziploc has enough of the shenanigans and hands keys to Clark 

Slow mosey to choice of max reps of downunders or pull-ups

Slower mosey to track where a sparkle appears in Clark’s eyes as he announces 400m lunge walk

Back to launch pad for around the horn Mary

Mary consisted of most everything except Dr  Ws – LBC, protractor, in and out #WelcomeBackCloser, merkins ?, WW2s, boxcutters, mason twists, dying cockroaches, etc


Author C.S. Lewis on the struggles of being a man

 It is painful, being a man, to have to assert the privilege, or the burden, which Christianity lays upon my own sex.   I am crushingly aware of how inadequate most of us are, in our actual and historical individualities, to fill the place prepared for us.

We are created in God’s image – what a burden to bear

1 Corinthians 16 13-14 “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love”

– There was much rejoicing when Clark took over as Q until there wasn’t
– Spork accused Q of plagiarism 
– You can combine cardio with block work in the absence of running if you keep moving as per Q directive
– What wonderful weather for a late December post #ShouldHaveWornATank
– 5 for standard and 12 for workout #HeftyHadToWork