Weighted ball shenanigans and Dr. D’s “It happens” new t shirt

Event Date

Sep 24, 2022


4 emerged to get their Saturday off right, thanks to Cheetah for designing most of this workout. 


20 x SSH

10 x Dippy Birds each leg

10 x Mericans four count

10 x Windmills

The Thang

Parking lot fun: High knees, butt kickers, lunge walk, karaoke x 2, bear crawl, crawl bear

Mosey to back playground and grab 2x blocks and 2x weight plate (35#?)

Mosey back to front AO

Round 1:

Pair up.  One team does alternating step ups on box with block while other team does weighted ball launch sprint replay up and down parking lot x 2 as counter.

Round 2.

One team does Colt 45s and mericans while other team does weighted ball launch sprint to rear playground and back with 10 merican penalty for ball going off sidewalk. 

Round 3.

One team does weight plate around the world lefts (around head) and other team does weighted ball passing drill up and down parking lot. 

Round 4.

One team does weigh plate squats while other team does weighted ball launch sprints up and down parking lot.

Mosey to back and return plates and blocks. 

Round 5.

Break out Michelle and one team does 10 tire flip burpees while other team does 10x pull ups and 10 x hanging toe touches. 

Round 6.

One team does 10 tire flip burpees while other team does 20 x Australian rows and 30 x dips.

Round 7.

All 4 do tire flip burpees for 20x total. 

Finished up with a mosey around the nature trail. 


10 x Dr. Ws. 

Reflection: Hebrews 3:13

Nothing special prepared but shared recent bible study with Exodus about how Moses went through some highs and lows early on as he prepared for his life in service to God but went into a holding pattern as a shepherd to mature and be shaped by God.  Lightbulb shared quote from Seneca while we cannot choose our parents, “we can choose whose children we would like to be.”


-T claps to Cheetah’s idea of a standard to start at 0630 and Dr. D for joining!

-Dr. Doolittle was bummed his new F3 shirt had some dirt from the weight plate but we decided he is onto something with F3 wilderness gear and it now looks like the Forrest Gump happy face shirt. 

-Best to Tonka recovering from illness.    

-Lightbulb drinks so much coffee he brings a prefilled thermos to Cabela’s to get things started before topping off his bottom less cup.  And we did get him his 100 mericans in today. 

-Thoughts to Cheetah and his family who had to put down Daisy this week.


Apologize for the false advertising for coffee and snacks after.  Will make it up in October.    

Fair Winds and Following Seas
