Weighted Bear Crawl

Event Date

May 25, 2019


FNG is my 2.0, Hooper.
Good to see OBD back for another Sat. beatdown.
20 IC Mtn Climbers
20 IC Windmills
20 IC Tony Hawks
Indian Run:
From the AO to the pool parking lot. 
At the clubhouse parking lot: 4 cones, one in each corner of the parking lot; one pax in the center with the football; one pax sprints from one cone to the next catching the football, then throwing it back and dropping for 5 Burpees before the next cone.  If you drop the ball, 10 Burpees.
Other pax are at the other parking lot: karaoke down the parking lot, 10 Merkins; karaoke up the parking lot, 10 WWIs (repeat) until each pax completes 1 x around football cones.
Indian Run:
From the pool parking lot to the AO. 
This one may be worthy for the F3 Exercise list:
The Weighted Bear Crawl:
Put on the back pack with 30 pounds of sand in it, then bear crawl up the parking lot, back down the parking lot, then mosey to the 2nd playground.
MetroDog, holding the fastest bear crawl record, put the back pack on immediately and needed no instruction.
Pain Stations:
Other pax are at the 2nd playground:
Stations are:
  – step-ups,
  – dips,
  – Australian pull-ups,
  – skull crushers,
  – block squats,
  – Colt 45s,
  – calf raise on the ladder, and
  – pull-ups
Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Left all with this thought:
Take a minute and think of 3 people where your personal success is more important to them than it is to you.
Then, think of 3 people that would name you.
There is more we can do to mentor others to be strong and succeed. 