Weights Are Good for the Shoulders

When the MQ, Ramrod, puts out the call for someone to Q last minute at Emmaus, I couldn’t help but to accept the challenge.

Twelve good men showed for a Bootcamp style beatdown even though they knew the Weight Carrier was on its way. And boy did our shoulders get a workout.

Here’s what we did:


We moseyed toward the front of Birkdale around the edifice toward Camelback to give him an extra minute to tie his shoes. We circled back to the turf in front of the Starbucks for some calisthenics.

SSH, Windmill, Long Snaper, 10x IC Mountain Climber, and 10x IC Merkins.

We then stepped over to the pickup truck to grab a 25lb plate to begin the pain portion of the workout.



Mosey with plate in hand around the corner to the parking lot ramp.

10x IC Slow Straight Arm Shoulder Raises / Quadrafilia up the Ramp with Weight


10x IC Reverse Lunge with Weight / Quadrafilia up the Ramp with Weight


10x IC Press with Low Flutter / Quadrafilia up the Ramp with Weight



PAIN 2 (Partner Up)

               Mosey with plate to the fountain in front of the theatre.

AMRAP Press with Skull Crusher while partner runs a lap / Flip Flop


AMRAP Dips while partner farmer carries both weights for a lap / Flip Flop


AMRAP weighted V-up while partner runs a lap / Flip Flop




Welcome FNG, Nair.

Traditionally moleskins include things that happened during the workout. But over the past year I have leaned toward sharing a thought or a quote instead, not because I’m old and can’t hear nor remember everything that happened during the workout, that’s true though too, but because I enjoy sharing some of my gray haired lessons.

Now that 2020 is coming to an end, it’s time to reflect and set new goals for the near year. (As a side note, we do not have to only set goals at the beginning of each new year, adjusting and adding new goals regularly is a must.) But how do you decide what to tackle next? Do you reflect on last year and pick up the pieces where you fell short? Do you scrap it all and start a new?

Before you get started on building your next laundry list of “to do’s”, please take a moment and ask yourself…

“Are you proud of the person you are becoming?” Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, …

 It may sound trite but everyday we have an opportunity to stay the course or make a change and both are good decisions if your actions are getting you one more step closer to __________ (fill in the blank).

So, don’t wait another minute. It’s time. I encourage you to set daily, weekly, and monthly goals to move the needle; you have a lot to be proud of. You got this.
