Welcome Back, Kotter and The Michigan?

Since Black Eyed Pea probably wasn't going to post a backblast, I'll do it for him.  It's been a while since he's been out so he gets some wiggle room on the Q admin duties.

For his first Q in a while at The Estate, Black Eyed Pea brought "The Michigan".  REALLY?!?  He says it was the "Modified Jacked-Up Michigan".  Since I had somehow avoided The Michigan in my 4 years of F3, I would not know.  It was The Michigan for me.  The Michigan is a whole lot of sprinting and it's just plain horrible.  To mix things up, he also brought a football and a placeholder to allow the pax to "earn" their way out of some sprints and/or Jack Webb's with every successful field goal attempt…so, there was a lot of sprinting.

Everyone worked hard and there was plenty of mumblechatter as well as heavy breathing.  As far as the details of the workout, that is not important in this backblast.  If you were there, you know what we did.  If you were not there, show up next time.  We missed you.

We did learn some things about the pax:

  • Most guys can't kick a football 
  • The three man weave is not easy for these guys or Black Eyed Pea needs some work on instructions.
  • The Force has some fancy base layer clothing.  The pattern was kind of like the Na'vi from the Avatar movie.  It must have given him Na'vi strength because he carried a huge rock overhead for a while and made it look easy.
  • Estee Lauder paid lots of money for physical therapy to address his iliotibial band syndrom issues, but during one of the sprints, he felt a pop in his hip and felt great afterwards!  You see, F3 is free and it heals you where you ache.  Remember that next time you decide not to workout.
  • According to Elmer's, a Jewish hockey player is a rare animal and even more rare is a Jewish hockey player that can also kick a football.
  • Jingle Bells is ok with being called Jaws or, for that matter, any other pax nickname as long as that pax lives in Latta Springs.
  • Sweet Caroline is back at The Estate AND he is running the BRR!  Welcome back to both, brother!
  • Beast has some cool Sketchers.  I bet he though nobody noticed.  I did.  I've noticed he is a good runner and I think he will be doing the BRR soon.  Just a prediction.
  • Blackbeard waited until the very end to make a field goal attempt.  I was wondering if he was holding back on the Pax because he liked the sprinting and Jack Webb's. Nope.
  • Freedom and Snake Eyes – need I say more?

Welcome back, Black Eyed Pea – great to see you out there again!
