Welcome FNG “Rotary Club” to F3. . .

Event Date

May 28, 2024


Well, the day after the Memorial Day Murph is never good for turnout at an AO, but Hippie showed and brought along JEFF FUDGE, who was EH’d by Magnus. Despite his first workout being a freakin’ Murph, Jeff was not dissuaded from accepting Hippie’s invitation to Viking this morning. Fitness is not a challenge for this dude. Former Navy helicopter pilot. Current father of an infant and a toddler. Navy reservist. Hiking enthusiast from the Pacific Northwest. Lived in New Orleans and other places I forgot about already. 

The Q had limited mobility due to a re-injured knee situation, so we used four kettlebells and the ground for our resistance training in support of upper body and ab results. Roughly 100 reps each of curls, overheads, extensions, Fat-Bottomed Girls, and upright rows (or optional running). 

Hippie took the newbie on a tour of North Meck (the Q was moving too slowly on that knee) and then Marys were led by all assembled, including Jeff, who nailed cadence on his first try. The two “experienced” gentlemen then pulled aside to consider nicknames like Rain Dog (Mt. Rainier), Tiger Mom (helicopter parent), Sasquatch (he’s a good sized dude from the Pacific Northwest), Keebler (Fudge cookies, based on his last name), and Packer (never mind). We settled on Rotary Club since his helicopter pilot experience is a unique and pretty compelling back story. 

100% attendance at coffeeteria let us get to know Rotary Club a little better and he’s committing to two or three days a week in F3, which means that some of you will be seeing him at an AO near you! 

Thanks to Magnus for the EH and to Hippie for encouraging him to post this morning. F3 grows stronger with every FNG. Make it your priority to do your part in introducing men to this life-changing experience. 
