Pax also included Kimchi and Kip

We gathered, we ran, we finished strong.   

FNG Spencer Robins joined us and is now known as Rain Bird.  Rain Bird is a firefighter and attended recruit school with 9 Lives.  Welcome Rain Bird.

Mayhem laid down the double down challenge via #pb, ran a 6 mile Odyssey then headed over to Q the Hangover.  Not sure how many sacrificed post Odyssey coffee for a hangover.  We had a several pax roll in from other AO's as we took over Starbucks including Ultraman who was wearing 2 shoes.  Good news – as I also saw him returning the scooter to Frogger.  Believe that scooter has been to more AO's than YHC over the last couple months.

If you haven't already, sign up today for the Aug 4 fishing tournament, only 2 weeks away.  Any questions – contact TBone.