Welcome to F3, Chopper!


Pledge of Allegiance facing the Stars and Stripes

Run once around on the track to get the blood flow started.

Mosey to end zone of the football field for a dynamic warm-up.

10 yards out, 10 yards back for each of the following:

  • Front kick
  • Quad stretch
  • Lunge
  • Side lunge
  • Side shuffle
  • Carioca

Arm Circles

20 Side Straddle Hop – In Cadence (IC)

20 Mount Climbers IC

15 Slow Deep Squats

15 ‘Mericans



30 seconds of each followed by 30 seconds of rest

  • Squat jump
  • Tuck jump
  • ‘Mericans with clap (or just push off the earth)
  • Ski jumps


5 x 100 yard sprints on the football field or track (pax choice) – each sprint followed by 40 seconds of rest


Mosey to cinder blocks, pick up one double and one single

Farmer carry block to parking lot

45 seconds of each exercise followed by 15-30 seconds of rest

  • Squat / Chest press with double block
  • ‘Merican / Back Row with single block (each arm)
  • Reverse lunge with double block
  • Spiderman ‘Merican (no block)
  • Jump lunge (no block)
  • Step-ups on double block with single block held out
  • Downward ‘mericans

Mosey to playground – 10 full extension pull-ups

Farmer carry cinder blocks back to where you got them


Mosey to lower tier soccer field

Set 5 low profile cones in a zigzag pattern with each cone about 15 feet apart

  • Set  #1: sprint to each of the 4 cones, touching each cone with your hand and then sprint back to the start. REPEAT x 3
  • Set 2: sprint to cone 1, touch with your hand, side shuffle to 2 ,touch with your hand, sprint to cone 3, touch with your hand, side shuffle to cone 4 touch with your hand and then backpedal to the start. REPEAT x 3
  • Set 3: backpedal to cone 1, touch with your hand, side shuffle to 2 touch you’re your hand, backpedal to cone 3, touch with your hand, side shuffle to cone 4 touch with your hand and then sprint to the start. REPEAT x 3


No time for Mary.  We didn’t no stinkin’ Mary anyway.




  • 66 and Freedom, two of the mentally toughest dudes I know, were both nursing some ailments but put in a solid morning of work anyway.  Nice job gentleman.  You two are an inspiration to many F3 Isotope guys.
  • Freedom brought an FNG, Neil, who will be name at his next post. (BB updated 11/15 to capture his F3 name – BEAST (he'sfrom Milwaulkee)
  • With the timed element of this workout, each man had the choice to push himself as hard as he wanted.  Many chose to push themselves hard and are sore this Sunday afternoon as a result.  Good work men.
  • Turnpike is a bad a**.  The dude ran a 3:20 marathon last week and would have run another one this week if there was one to run.  I always enjoy working out with him – thanks for pushing me to be better, my friend.
  • FNG Franz posted for his first F3 workout with Turnpike and me at 0600 for a little over 4 miles of running with some pain stations.  It did not take much convincing to get him to stay for The Estate.  Solid dude.  We found out a lot about him during the 0600 workout and shared it during the COT to spark some conversation on naming. We first though of Edelweiss to honor his Austrian heritage.  It quickly turned to T-1000 (Arnold Schwarzenegger’s nemesis in Terminator 2) to honor his iron man like double-down first post AND his Austrian heritage .  Since Mortimer has T-1000 as his unofficial nickname, and we were already on Arnold Schwarzenegger, someone brought up the memorable quote “Get to the Chopper!” said by Major Alan “Dutch” Schaefer (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) in the 1987 sci-fi action film Predator.  And Franz is now affectionately known as “Chopper” (pronounced "Choppa").  There you go. (BB updated 11/15 to tag Choppa)

It's always an honor to lead at The Estate.

Until next time,
