Welcome to FKT

Moving from Gaga to FKT must have raised curiosity across LKN because 14.5 pax showed up to see what this new workout was all about. (The half of a pax was Ghost. He was there at the start but then disappeared part way through…like a ghost). The pre-blast said we would “hit the gas” at 0530, but then the Q said there was a 1-mile warm up. Which was it?

At 0530, we hit the gas for a 7:30 1-mile warm up through Birkdale. Some did the full 1-mile, others took the abbreviated route. Ultimately, we all met at the parking deck near the Birkdale Movie Theatres. Seeing a ramp, we put it to good use.

Ramp Circuit #1

  • Jacob’s Ladder (16 merkins at the top, 2 squats at the bottom; then 14-4, 12-6 etc.)
  • Lap around the movie theatre

Ramp Circuit #2

  • Partner up.
  • Partner 1 runs the ramp backwards, across the deck and back down.
  • Partner 2 does merkins. When partner 1 returns, switch roles. Continue until team completes 250 LBCs
  • Repeat process until team completes 200 merkins
  • Lap around the movie theatre

Ramp Circuit #3

  • Partner Wheelbarrow up the ramp. 10 squats every time you switch positions.
  • Repeat…although there was a definite mutiny on this call as only 2 teams completed the wheelbarrows.
  • AYG up the ramp, down the stairs and head home for MARY


  • Low flutter x 25
  • Burpees x 10 (courtesy of Don Ho)

Q Mistakes/Lessons Learned

  1. Be sure you know the route of your 1-mile warmup so you don’t get lost.
  2. When closing down with MARY, do NOT ask DH to pick an exercise.
  3. DH thinks Burpees are MARY exercises.

Hope you all enjoyed FKT. It was good to go fast and throw in some pain. Haven’t Q’d a beatdown in a while. Thanks all for coming out. Hoodie has the Q next week, don’t miss it!