Welcome to Sparta

12 Men met in the fog at GCC for The Spartacus, I brought out the clipboard to make people think Bogey might show up to Q, but it was just for my Weinke, Pen and Bose Speaker.  I was thinking we would start out back and Bam Bam thought we all had our Kettle Bells, I told Bunyan we would be out back… He had to go get one therefore Bam Bam made us run a lap around the church.  Wait is he the Q today….? I saw this workout from Men's Health on Faceboook yesterday, here is how it was done.


10 Stations for 60 seconds per station (KB = Kettlebell)

1 – KB Goblet Squat

2 – Mountain Climber

3 – KB Swing

4 – Man Maker Merkin

5 – Jumping Lunges

6 – Lawnmower – 30 seconds per side

7 – Side Lunge with KB touch

8 – Plank with KB Row

9 – Lunge with KB Rotate

10 – Squat with KB Press

Run Lap around Church

Repeat all the above

Run Lap around Church

Mary – 4 minute burn as seen on Men's Health by Bam Bam

 – 30 seconds of burpees, 30 seconds of plank walk

 – repeat

 – repeat


1 – Glad to see Denim back at The Blender 

2 – Over Budget commented on my 80's music, Zuul requested 60's but…….

3 – Hollywood has the best Jump Lunge form!!

4 – Thanks Bam Bam for not giving me that green bell

5 – Baxter still likes sweaty bald heads and rodent traps

6 – Sensitivity Twins, anyone? anyone?

7 – Uncle Rico – strong as an Ox, Fresh out the Box

8 – We all hated Jump Lunges

9 – not too much mumblechatter today, Bunyan was talking a good bit, but couldn't hear with the music underneath me

10 – Springfield has agreed to Q next week, $10 dollars we do Halos