All I can say is I was a little overwhelmed with the turnout this morning. For a guy who just moved to the area and knows no one I felt pretty welcomed by this group…so thanks for that. 

Warm up- run 2 laps, SSH, IST, slippery dip cans, windmills, and Merkins

The Thang

Over to the bars for 15 pull-ups, 20 dips, and 50 Merkins

At the soccer field 4 full field sprints with 5 burpees at the end of each.

Get the blocks. 1 set AMRAP curls, skull crushers, overhead presses, Bros, upright rows, squat thrusters, bench presses, lawn mowers, block swings, incline Merkins while those without blocks did a lap. This was an ablsolute cluster because the VQ  had no idea 31 people would show for a workout. Sorry for the chaos

Zamporini to the truck and do 10 burpees. Zamporini back and return blocks


20 LBC, 20 Freddy Mercury, 15 homer/marge, 15 low flutter, plank

Recover recover.


Great support for the VQ and even the chatter was kept to minimum or maybe because there were so many I just didn't hear it. We did have a naming of a FNG. Cody was given F3 name "Tuggs". Keeping Fescue's family in our prayers as well as a F3 Omaha who experienced a tragedy. Grateful for many recovering from injury and illness. 

May not seem like a big deal to many of the regulars but this group can really be a great way for a new resident to feel as if they aren't so unknown, even if just for an hour a few days a week. Thanks for welcoming a guy who found you on the internet.