Welcome to the QQQRV

Event Date

Mar 15, 2017

Inspired by some "activity" over the weekend, and by C#'s request, the Q(quarter)Q(quarter)Q(quarter)R(ruck) came to visit 9 PAX and 1 Woof.0 at Mustang.


Quarter Ruck = 720 minutes, Quarter of that is 180 minutes, quartered again is your free 45 minute workout.



SSH(IC) x 25

Windmill(IC) X 15

RoL, LoR, Arms High, & Love Yourself

Copperhead Squat(IC) X 15



Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to sneak into the heavenly, I mean heavily guarded territory known as SVU(practice field), and rescue the fartsackers(blocks) from the warm confines of their plush, heated, cal King, wifi enabled beds and show them a good old fashioned Mustang beat down.

Although the wall has been breached recently, we need to stay low.

Proceed with a series of crawls from launchpad to the practice field(Zippy and C# go ahead with a pallet, and Abrams take the team weight-50ish pound log)

*Bear Crawl(25 yds)

*Spiderman Crawl(25 yds)

*Seal Crawl(25 yds)

All blocks(minus one as we had Mulligan with us) need to be transported around the AO whilst some pain stations are visited. 14 total blocks

*4 PAX on the 50lb pallet with 6 blocks, 4 PAX carrying 2 blocks each, and 1 PAX with the team weight(log) take off to the west across the practice field. We'll call this the "Chorus."

*Stop at the gate and try out a new one.  PAX line up in plank position with a block to their right.  Pull/drag block underneath chest to their left, then do a merkin.  The PAX on the right end runs to the left end to keep the chain going Indian run style.  Repeato back to the right.  18 Merkins and block pulls in total.

Chorus, but grab a coupon you didn't have last go round.  To the top of the gravel trail.

*Block Burpees X 5(Merkins portion on the block, take the block up with you and above your noggin)

Chorus, to the dock

*American Hammer(IC) X 15 with block

Chorus, back to west side of practice field

*Devin Hester's.  Partner up, speed matters.  One partner takes off with the block, then partner 2(delayed) takes off and tries to catch him to the other end of the practice field.

*Still with partner WWI sits ups with blocks to the ground and hand off to partner x 20

*Devin Hester's back to the other side of said practice field.

Chorus, this time to return the fartsackers, pallet, and log to the comfy confines of their home.  

*Mosey up to the pull up bar.  Six Pack time-1 Pull up/5 Merkins, back of line, 2 Pull Ups/4 Merkins, all the way to 5/1.

*Mosey back to the launchpad 


*Rosalitas x 15

*Pretzel Crunches(Left side X 15, right side x 15)

*Reverse Crunch x 15



Phillipians 2:3

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, rather, in humility value others above yourself."

*Learned a lot during QRV about how the body wants to conserve at times of MAX output, but when you see others that are struggling just as you are, it kicks in a different gear and you are there for others, just as much, if not more than for yourself.

*I just hope I am giving to F3 and others as much as it is giving me.



*We could have left 3 more blocks behind as there were 3 HIM's up north on a chilly run this morn.  Tclaps gents.

*3 for a standard pre workout(Well done Mully, Abrams, and Spork)

*In addition to the amount of weight that was lugged around, there were 3 rucksacks and a weight vest of 4 of the PAX.

*Overheard "why can't we just run?" Which from the Mustang crowd means YHC was doing something right.

*There was the sweet sound of a flag flapping in the breeze this morning that was quite nice.

*Keeping with the military theme DoubleCheck's woof.0 did plant a few suspected land mines the PAX had to blindly navigate around.

*Praise to all the kind words, thoughts, and prayers for Zippy's co-worker's daughter and family.


Such a pleasure to be in the company of and to lead such a fine group of men!

