Welcome to the Smoke Show! Let Me Get Your Bags.

10 men, including one FNG, bettered themselves Tuesday night in the Thunderdome. All who entered thrived for the 45 minute smoke show. Bags were slammed and lifted, bells were swung and pressed, and one slosh pipe made its introduction. In the end, one exercise ruled them all…the bear crawl sandbag drag.


  • SSH 15X IC
  • Cotton Picker 10X IC
  • Squats 10X IC
  • Muricans 10X IC

The Thang

Partner up. Each set of partner performs a 5 minute AMRAP at each station. 5 stations in total with 2 exercises at each station. 10 reps per exercise and then switch.

Station 1

  • Clean/Squat/Press with 40lb sandbag
  • Overhead walking lunges with slosh pipe (travel 3 parking spaces and back)

Station 2

  • Shouldering to press to slam with 60lb sandbag
  • Bear crawl sandbag drag with 60lb sandbag (travel 3 parking spaces and back)

Station 3

  • Power burpees with 40lb sandbag
  • Squat with 80lb sandbag

Station 4

  • KB swings with 35lb KB
  • Deadlift with 80lb sandbag

Station 5

  • Around the world with 45lb Bulgarian sandbag
  • KB goblet squat & press with 35lb KB

Form 2 lines with 5 stations. Rotate when person at station 1 finishes.

Round 1

  • Station 1 – Bear crawl sandbag drag 3 parking spaces and back
  • Station 2 – Side hops over bag
  • Station 3 – Plyo Muricans
  • Station 4 – KB swings
  • Station 5 – Jump squats

Round 2

  • Station 1 – Crab walk with sandbag on hips 2 parking spaces and back
  • Station 2 – Toe touches with bag
  • Station 3 – Man maker Muricans
  • Station 4 – Goblet squat & press with KB
  • Station 5 – Jump lunges



  • TCLAPS to all the PAX for making it out last night and putting in tremendous effort
  • Welcome Alex! Great to have you at your first post!
  • Olive surprised everyone (maybe even himself) by showing up with no bandana. YHC didn't even know who he was until COT.
  • Efforts were made to give Jedi's vehicle new windows but fortunately KB's were successfuly held onto.
  • A lot of "well intentioned" direction and guidance. Ramrod shall now be known as the Form Police.
  • Bullet showed off his "dance moves" and it is widely agreed upon that he does not have Saturday night fever.
  • Nitestick and Billy Club might be the baddest father/son combo in NoCo. Dem boys crushed it.
  • Capone continues to be the silent killer, all business from start to finish.
  • Nice job battle buddy, way to one up everyone with you one arm KB swings
  • Always an honor to be out there with such fine men, thanks for pushing me!