Welcome to the Theatre of Pain

Ten (10) gathered, the same number of songs in Theatre of Pain by Motley Crue, what a coincidence.  

This Q is also dedicated to my nephew, who turns 24 today as well as Motley Crue's 'Theatre of Pain' album….mostly because ANY Q should involve a theater of pain, ostensibly.  Pierogi, Big Mean and Goodell rucked for #thestandard and Mailman and Cupcake waxed poetically about how lovely their beach trip would be this weekend….long walks, gentle breezes, getting a 'workout' in the sand……wait a minute.

Warmups: Mozy, high knees, butt kickers, R/L karaoke around the arcade

COP (IC): SSH 24, IST 21, CP'S 12, Mericans 10, Windmills 10, Merkin bell drags 10, 7 OYO Burpees, KB swings 21 OYO, Curls 12, Mil Presses 12, skull crushers 12, Wall step ups with press 10, KB pullovers 21, round the world-10 each way, another round of 10 curls, mil press, skull crushers-IC, 7 burpees OYO, Final round of curls, mil presses, skull crushers 8 each-IC.  

Gather on the green, KB toss and bear crawl to bell, repeato to far side.  Plank to wait. Pardner up, one does 10 squats with both bells, then farmer carries to his pardner, the other crab walks towards the other side.  Switch and repeato until y'all GIT to the 'far side'. Plank to finish.  Gather on far side (which is really the near side….are you following me here?).  One pardner carries both bells, the other does 25 single count CDD's, then runs to catch up, switch and repeat.  Go around the Square.  Next round is 20 LBC's, pardner Zamps the lighter bell, one bell left behind, plank to finish.

Mary: Mason twist w/bell 10 IC, Box Cutters/Cutter Boxes 10 each IC, JLo's 7 IC. Recover, recover.


-Motley Crüe's '85 Theatre of Pain album was released on 7/21 and had 10 songs.  Lots of excercises reflected those #'s, and the album went quadruple platinum, selling over 4 million copies!

-This workout looked better on paper, lots of grunting, modifying, one person even left, and that's just fine, 'cause it makes the Q happy!

-Kudos to the War Daddy- Cupcake, and War Baby-Goodell?

-Big Mean, Pierogi, and Goodell rucked about 40-50 min prior to the post, Mailman and Cupcake sat and chatted, please check Slack for their 'chat topics':-/

-The EFFORT put in by the PAX today was commendable.  In a post 'big event' week, such as the CRBR, the Q's typically are lighter.  This was not one of those days.

-KUDOS to Pierogi and Big Mean for their glamorous innagural Pickle 66/Basin Run Relay/Catawba River Basin Run, am I missing anything? 

-Motorboat, thanks kindly for the keys, always a great place to Q!

-Gents, thanks for being there to allow this to continue, to go on, to know that each day, whether YOU are there or not…F3 Race City goes on, it's a wonderful thing!

-Happy Birthday to my nephew Doug, who turns 24 today!