Welcomed a Couple Left-Coasters at Mighty Oak

Event Date

Aug 28, 2024

Awesome surprise to have 2 pax from F3 San Diego (or nearby regions).  5G (nope – not in the telcom or wireless business – just has 5 ‘G’s in his name Greg Greggory or Gregg Gregory I’m not sure) and Puddles (Oregon alum – mascot’s name is Puddles, and he sweats alot, which we were witness to).  Cool to hear from pax out West – F3nation sounds very healthy out there, and 5G talked a lot about finding F3 often when he travels.  They were here (father and son-in-law) to pick up part of the family before heading to SC to grab more of the fam then on to a week of vaca on one of the SC lakes down that way (near Seneca or Clemson I think).  Again – great having these guys will us at the workout and at Coffeteria after.

So 4 pax on East Coast time paired up with 2 pax who felt like it was 2:30AM all emerged for one workout in the gloom at The Mighty Oak and he’s what went down.

Disclaimer – we’ll help you to your car, but not to California.  PS my back is aching again so this will be a lower-back-friendly workout today, but hopefully that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy on any of us.

Mosey with some high knees, butt kickers and Karoke, followed by circling up in perhaps the noisiest part of Huntersville at 5:35AM on a Wednesday (goodness) for SSHs, ISTs, Long Snappers and Windmills.  

Every other pax go grab a block then come find the other 3 of us back in the main parking lot.  Pax with a block pick a partner without a block and let’s get our DORA on.

DORA would be 3 sets and the runner would run to the big ballz – each time we’d go 1 ball deeper, til we reached the end, then we’d count backwards.  “Lotta running” was mumbled by one of the pax from San Diego later in this DORA – perhaps a little warmer and more humid here? Wait til you experience South Cakilaki!

1st set:  200 horizontal skull crushers (on your back skull crushers)

2nd set:  300 Christian McCalf-raises w/ block

3rd set:  400 block chest presses

Every one of those sets burned eventually, and some burned for a while…

Blocks up, then let’s show our visitors more of the AO.  Mosey over to the playground for a couple sets of pull-ups, show off the actual mighty oak tree, some Al Gore while we discuss it, then back to the launch pad of the parking lot.

YHC would then whip out my big, long, thick, black… rope for our visitors to marvel at.  Jaws dropped at the length, girth and weight of the beast.

MWAR and recover-recover


Cool to attract visitors from San Diego and crazy small world – 5G’s niece is married to a guy nicknamed Popcorn here.  I think that’s the right relationship. 

Never know what posting at an F3 workout might bring.  YHC’s back was really ailing yesterday and last night.  Took meds, didn’t sleep great, really tight this morning.  But YHC was signed up to Q so let’s go.  Got there wondering who might also arrive – not a lot of activity on X from the PB.  Well alas not only our fine locals arrived but also 2 from the other side of the country.  Determined not to let these visitors or my local brothers down, YHC audibled a little on my weinke and the rest is now documented history.

So an ailing back and potential fartsack turned into a fun Q, a great workout, a loosened up back, meeting 2 great guys from Cali, talking smack about Popcorn and finally a great coffeeteria with new and old friends.  Pretty great start to HumpDay.
