Well Planned, Well Executed

It was a slow Monday arrival as 9 PAX showed up at MMM.  The last few were kinda close to 5:30. Things went a little something like this:

Warm up with a lap around the lot followed by some of your favorites – SSH, Mountain Climbers, Toy Soldiers, Windmill, Long Snapper, yada, yada


  • Starting at one end of the lot we would do an exercise for 10 reps, walk 3 lot lines, 8, 3 lot lines, 6…4….2.  Once we got to the other end – we would joggy jog back to the start – and then to our bells.
  • We did this with curls, overhead press, upright rows and squats
  • Series of Chest Press/Core Exercise x 3: CP + LBCs, CP + Freddie Mercuries, CP + WW2 Situps
  • Head to the fence for a series of calf raises and stretches
  • Back to the line for a few non mobile exercises with bells – lawn mowers, bent over rows, skull crushers, Staggered Mericans on the bells 
  • A few more Exercises + Line routines
  • Circle Up – Squats with Bells

MARY – Alternating LBCs, Touch Dem Heels, Pigeon Series – Mericans for good measure.

Recover, Recover.

Good Crew this morning.  

Axle accused me of making stuff up as I went.  

Announcements: Free Pass’s 12 year Anniversary Q at Paininsula tomorrow.

Prayers up for S’More’s, Gump’s Family, anyone struggling with Mental Health issues and those students heading back to school.

Always an Honor and a pleasure.
