Well-rounded and Lucky

Warm up (all in cadence):

  • Because I like to conduct a BRR-friendly beat down, one lap around the 131 parking lot & circle up

  • SSH’s x 25

  • Slow windmill x 10

  • Imperial Storm Trooper x 15

  • Stretch down the middle, left leg runner’s stretch, right leg runner’s stretch

  • Plank, left leg up & come on through for pigeon stretch

  • Plank, right leg up & come on through for pigeon stretch

  • 5 WW2 sit-ups, 5 merkins

  • 10 WW2 sit-ups, 10 merkins

  • 15 WW2 sit-ups, 15 merkins

  • Mosey to the Quad

The Thang:

Pick a Partner for DORA

  • Partner A runs to the end of the quad and back, Partner B does the exercise, when partner A gets back, they switch

  • Cycle 1: 150 V-ups (after each 10, 5 broad-jump burpees), when done, bear crawl side to side until everyone has completed

  • Cycle 2: 250 hand-release merkins (after each 20, 5 broad-jump burpees), when done, circle of for some Mary which included:

    • 20 low-flutters (IC)

    • 20 Ws (IC)

    • 20 JLos (IC)

    • 20 Rosalitas (IC)

  • Because I like to run, split into 2 teams and Indian run from the top of the quad down Oakhurst Blvd, left on Bailey Rd past “Cork & Cask” and left back into 131 Main parking lot, circle up for Mary which included:

    • 20 LBCs (IC)

    • Single-leg low flutter x 10 (each leg)

    • Single-leg low dolly x 10 (each leg)



  • MaryKay brought an FNG who excelled on his first day: welcome Brian Mobley.

  • Not listed in PAX and need to get their F3Isotope account: Tollbooth Willy, Hook, The Governor, Red, TD, Mounty

  • 3 triple-hates made it out today, and 3 respects – doesn’t really mean anything, since it was recorded it needed pointing out

  • 0 BRR enthusiasts met at 5am for the normal #Standard 2.5 mile friendship run – slackers.Or maybe just because the fearless master Q Special Sauce was on vacation at the Outer banks

  • Noting that Special Sauce was not in attendance, Kid Rock made an appearance

  • The validation of good workout came at 6:03am: Bama said this sucks, in fact, I call BS.Shaken agreed with a double-BS.

  • Our Brother, Olive, is in need of us to step up in a big way and help support his initiative to honor the life of his daughter, Christina (Sweet Tooth), and help bring some joy and peace to children who are in great need of it.Operation Sweet Tooth will begin this year as a toy drive to help support children who are sick in the hospital, who are orphaned, or just need love, joy, and peace brought into their lives. Olive has asked for a Q from each region to lead the initiative.The details of Operation Sweet Tooth and Christina's story can be found here: http://f3nation.com/2016/07/06/calling-all-pax-need-high-impact-men-and-women-to-help-make-a-difference-and-keep-a-spirit-alive-operation-sweet-tooth/

    Additionally, there is a link to order an Operation Sweet Tooth MudGear shirt. Proceeds will be shared to help support this initiative. That link is here: http://f3.mudgear.com/products/f3-operation-sweet-tooth-shirt-pre-order

  • Thanks to Special Sauce for the opportunity to lead these men

  • Many thanks to Mini Me for EH’ing me 3+ years ago at a Mt. Zion “Journey” men’s breakfast.He is such a dreamy guy and I’m just so darn glad he brought me to this group of men.If you feel the same – either that mini me is dreamy or – that you are thankful for the brother who EH’d you, spread the work.Jolly Roger said it best that someone out there is praying for this and the y won’t know unless you tell them.Someday YOU might be dreamy.