Well that conversation went there quick

Event Date

May 06, 2021


YHC for a 3.2 mile standard prior to the morning’s festivities.


5:30 The festivities begin with my typical saying of “Let’s roll” 


Mosey to fire station- Disclaimer given to appease Blackbeard. Then pledge said.


Circle up Warm-o-Rama 

SSH 25x IC

IST 15x IC

Cotton picker 15x IC

Windmill 15x IC

Toy soldier 25x IC


Mosey to Walgreens 

Grab some wall for people’s chair

Air press 15x IC

Hold it

Seal claps 15x IC

Hold it

Touch dem heels 15x IC



Mosey to hill on side of police station and perform 11’s.

Mericans and WW II sit ups switching from 10 to 1 on mericans and 1 to 10 on WW II sit ups.


Mosey toward top of hill and grab some railing

Australian pull ups 15x IC

Split squats 15x IC/leg


Walk over and grab a sandbag

Overhead press 15x IC

Bicep curls 15x IC

Skull crushers 15x IC

Bent over row 15x IC

Put sandbag back


Mosey across the street in front of city hall

Incline mericans 15x IC

Dips 15x IC

Decline mericans 15x IC


Mosey back across the street to police station 

Step ups 10x per leg OYO


Mosey to launching point and circle up for Mary


Jane Fonda’s 25x IC (Blackbeard)

High flutter 20x IC (Titan)

X’s and O’s 10x IC (Jersey boy)

Freddie Mercury’s 25x IC (Hacker)

Burpees 5x OYO (Hollywood)


Recover Recover 


Announcements – Book club at Macbeth’s

COT- Thanks Jersey boy for taking us out



Strong work was put in by all.


Titan and Blackbeard were trying to be the head of mumblechatter but I don’t think anyone else was listening.


Always great to have Hacker at a boot camp.


Glad to have Jersey boy back with us this week.


Hollywood crushed it like he does every week 


All I can say is coffeetia with Blackbeard, Jersey Boy, and Gnarly Goat is a fun and interesting way to start the morning off with. You don't know what to expect and things go there fast. Well this morning was no different as it started off mild with talking about having a monthly ruck launching out of Fission and got crazy pretty quick with Goat and Jersey talking about peeing habits to wives pooping with door open to wives showering habits and high school pranks. Coffeetia did get serious as we had a deep conversation about where society is with police brutality and how the media doesn’t give all the facts on hot button issues.


All pax are welcomed as Fission’s Q calendar is wide open.


Until next time,

Cousin Eddie