Well…. That Sucked

Not mentioned above Holy Water, Cooler, Shambala, Wheelie, Pick 6

The Gloom lasted for a while this morning. As YHC and Comet meet up a little early for a Ruck, accompanied by Chief himself until he decided to run with Love Shack, Nymph, and Crack. Sadly Nymph couln't stay for the pain that was about to take around Stumpy Creek AO. 

Brave souls gathered for the fun around the Red, White, and Blue Ole Glory herself and Lear led us with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The next sections of this will be strictly off what I can recall. Note to self: Make workouts easy so the BB is easy.

Warm-O-Rama in Cadence mostly

5-Burpees OYO


5-Burpees OYO


5-Burpees OYO


5-Burpees OYO

22-Mt. Climbers

15-Merkins somewhere in there too

Mosey in between the ball fields and line up facing the hill. YHC directed PAX to each segment of the next exercises

22 Squats, Bear Crawl up hill, 22 squats, Crab Crawl down and Plank

22 Little Man in the Woods, Bear Crawl up, a fake out by YHC with 5 Merkins, 22 Little Man in the Woods, Crab Crawl down and Plank

11 Burpees, Quadra up, 11 Burpees, Crab Crawl down and plank, 5 Merkins

22 Squat Jumps, Quadra up, 22 Squat Jumps, Crab Crawl down and Plank, 22 Low Flutter

Mosey to pull up bars. YHC instructed 

5 Pull Ups 6 Burpees, Mosey to parking lot 11 Burpees, Mosey to the top of parking lot 22 Low Flutter and Repeato

Mosey to the soccor fields and circle up around Chiefs shrooms to see how the harvest is making out.

LIne up for the Indian Run around the fields to the steps and Bunny Hop every step. Mosey to COT

22 Low Flutter

Chief picked  WWII

Deep End picked Mason Twist

Contra 10 Burpees OYO 

Love Shake 10 Burpees OYO

RECOVER RECOVER pretty sure I forgot some stuff or in what order but you get it

Strutter thank you for lending me the keys for The Glen to celebrate my 1 year anniversary! As always it was a Honor to lead you men this morning. We welcomed Goodell's 2.0 to the group. Welcome Wheelie! Also we welcomed Holy Water's Nephew Pick 6! Last but not least Cooler was in town for his daughters La Cross (I think its what you do when you want to go from one side of the street to the other) tournment from Charleston. Yes he knows about THE LOG.

I wanted to take a few moment to get just a little mushy. 1 year ago on Oct. 22 (hints the 22 counts) I was EHed by Strutter and Rent A Cop. Going into my first post(s) I had a mind set of just getting more training for a Tough Mudder event I would be doing later on in November. Never did I imagine what I would actually get out of the elite group of men. Learning to become a better Father, Husband, Leader, and Son is my biggest take away. Learning life lesson from each of the PAX is something that happens each day/post. Whether good or bad, Ha! And that CSAUP crap we all like to do to some point is really CSAUP but man is it fun to train together and push each others limits.Looking forward to another year and more to come. Thanks PAX! Its an HONOR to know each of you!