24 strong today at The Rock- it was indeed a great day to be alive.  However, much like my ability to remember what exercise was next, I'm certain that  I've forgot a couple of pax.  If your catholic guilt takes over and you need credit for the workout, contact my secretary, Freda, and she'll add you to the BB.  

Some ran today, some ran father.  

Today was my first workout post vacation in the Yoop.  And it felt that way- it was terrrible.  In the immortal words of my father in law "I didn't do very much today and it still felt like too much."


11 SSH- DC

11 IST- DC

Enough warm up.  I think warm up is stupid anyway.  Do we do warm ups before we run Wheels?  Seriously, if you're that much of an old man to require a warm up, you're probably wearing velcro dad shoes and reading books about submarines.  

The Thang.

All exercises were completed, IC and DC. 

20 Merkins

20 Overhead Press

20 Curls

20 LBC

20 Skullcrushers

20 Upright rows

20 Squats

Ran the big loop.  End of set one.

Repeato… 15-10-10-15.  Didn't make it back up to 20.


  • Coffeeteria is great.  If you're going to the workout and not heading to coffee after, you're missing out.  
  • Happy birthday, Cheez Whiz.  
  • Speaking of moleskin… probably a good segue opportunity to talk about THE mole.  The mole is a unit of count, much like a pair or a dozen.  A mole is actually, 6.02 x 10^23 particles (or whatever).  So, actually how big is that number?  If you had a mole of doughnuts, they would cover the entire Earth in a doughnut-layer five miles deep.  A mole of cereal boxes stacked end to end would reach from the Sun to Pluto 7.5 million times.  If you had a mole of pennies and you spent $1billion dollars every second, it would take you 190, 000 years to spend it all.  You're welcome, better living through chemistry.