“Well, that sucked” – RO

Limburger foolishly handed YHC the keys to Samson where 14 of NoCo's finest assembled to kick weakness in the face. Below is an account of the Tom Foolery:

Mosey to pull-up bars and circle up. Those without rucks grab a rock.


  • SSH 10X IC
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • Mountain climbers 15X IC
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • Plank jacks 10X IC
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • Up/downs (total undisclosed because YHC lost count after Jazz Hands started screaming)
  • 5 burpees OYO

The Thang

Round 1 – AMRAP for 12 minutes all exercises OYO

  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 overhead squats with ruck or rock
  • 5 broadjump burpees
  • mosey to end of parking lot, turn the corner, sprint back to pull-up bars & repeato AMRAP

Interlude: SSH 10X IC

Round 2 – AMRAP for 12 minutes all exercises OYO

  • 10 toes to bar
  • 10 thrusters with ruck or rock
  • 5 burpees with jump tuck
  • mosey to end of parking lot, turn the corner, sprint back to pull-up bars & repeato AMRAP

Round 3 – circle up

  • Jack Webbs with ruck or rock 1 rep up to 10 reps
  • Squat hold for 1 minute
  • Man Maker Muricans 10X IC
  • Squat hold for 1 minute
  • Murican w/ plank jack 10X IC
  • Squat hold for 1 minute

Return rocks, mosey back to flag for COT


  • Thank you, Limburger, for graciously allowing an Isotope defector from TPR to crash the party at Samson
  • Despite YHC's best efforts, still a lot of mumble chatter coming from Jazz Hands, Blackberry, Red October, Lawn Dart, & Limburger – at one point I thought Jazz Hands was going down
  • 7 got a little EC with about a 2 mile ruck standard at quite a brisk pace
  • Some annoucements were made: check the website, Twitter, Slack, FB, or carrier pigeon for details