Well that was Fun

Event Date

Feb 13, 2017

Warm Up:

20 SSH
Right over Left
Left over Right
10 Cotton Pickers
Mosey around the parking lot

The Thang:

Everyone line up on the line facing up hill in the parking lot
Regular Suicide x 3
Quadrafillia suicide x 2
Suicide with 10 merkins at each line
Suicide with 20 lbcs at each line
Quadrafillia suicide with 30 squats at each line
Regular suicide
Regular suicide with 2 burpees at each line
Mosey back for marry

Mary go round:

10 Flutter Kicks
10 Box Cutters
10 LBC
10 Freddie Mercury
5  LBC with low flutter
10 Peter parkers
10 Heels up
10 Reverse crunch
30 sec Masson twist


Philippians 4:7  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus