Well we’re here, now what?

Event Date

Jan 04, 2017

A Pax of 5 braved the mild January temperature to get stronger. Here is our story.



We started with a mosey around DPK, and circled up at the rear of the building for the following:


20 CP IC

20 WM IC


The Thang

We ran to the park on Dallas street, and stopped for 10 pull-ups, 20 merkins, and 30 squats. We left there and headed up the hill to the fire station. We stopped there and completed 5 burpees, 10 Makhtar N'Diayes, 15 Mason Twists. Repeato. From there we ran to the front of DPK for Stepups, 10 each leg, and 20 Dips. Next we headed across the road headed towards the tracks. A couple blocks down, and we made a quick stop for 25 LBCs. Then off to the 7k church for some wall sits, funny chatter, and a chance to EH a fellow. Turns out he is Edge, and he never knew there was a night time workout. Hope to have him join us in the future. Back to the front of DPK. It was about this time that Jaws let me know it was too early for Mary, so, we threw in 10 Derkins, 10 Ierkins, and a series of planks. Still to early. Sprint up one level of the parking deck for some Balls to the Walls, a mosey back down, and a Bear Crawl over to Mary.

Mary consisted of W's, Box Cutters, Cutter Boxes, WWII, and Freddie Mercury.


Highest attendance for Night Ranger so far in 2017. I am looking forward to breaking that record soon. How about next Wednesday?

It is always great to see this group of guys, and it is a pleasure to lead. Thank you.