Welp it went…Jobe’s VQ experience

Event Date

Aug 03, 2021




Pax: DonHo, Cherry Bomb, Popcorn, Shrooms, Metallica, Ducky, Slingshot, Frodo, Breakfast Club, Turnpike, Soprano, Swing State



The weather man called for rain. My goal was to outpace the falling storm with falling sweat from our F3 brethren’s brow. I knew these fit boys love a good long run… but I thought, how much do they love also lifting heavy dumbbells, mericans, abs, and burpees with their run (besides cherrybomb who literally probably schedules dumbbell breaks at work)?  So, i devised the most complex plan DonHo has ever seen. 

The day began with the top shelf talent running a 510. While they met to take off, I was lurking in the shadows placing dumbbells. And too my surprise a solid group of studs showed for the main event. We started with some very poorly coordinated core work in which Swingstate continued to scold/coach me on how to appropriately lead some ab work for the rest of the workout while lapping me in the process. From there we split into 2 teams: the Karen’s vs the Hurry Up and Get Going.  Obviously the Karen’s were being total Karen’s when they came up with that name for our team.

The 2 teams then set off in an epic battle running opposite direction Indian runs for 5 laps. The Karen’s finished first.  Cheaters. We then began a repeating cycle of 20 heavy weighted thruster, 20 plank shoulder taps, run across the parking lot, 20 mericans, 10 burpees, ran up the hill, then back down to repeat the cycle again.  The team with the most cycles completed wins! Me and Shrooms just had dreams of not getting lapped (he succeeded, me not-so-much)/

And when that final bell rang. Hash marks were counted. “And the winner is….”

Welp…we didn’t follow instructions so well… so we will have to call it a draw. 

We followed it up with some coffee.  Always great to catch up after. But man Popcorn, don’t know if the girl at the front was eyeing you up or she thought you were some crazy transient off the street.  Either way, it was working.

Today was my first Q, my VQ.  And it took me back.  On graduation day from medical school, a long white coat is draped on your shoulders, diplomas are given, and there is always a relatively prestigious speaker that tries to bestow knowledge.  Every-time that speaker, at some point, will discuss how being a doctor means your learning has just started and your life will consist of being a constant, lifelong, learner.

Man who ever spoke at my graduation was right because this doc certainly learned a lot today. 

Like all lessons we should look at them and discuss how we can do better moving forward.

Lesson 1: DonHo likes it short, fast, and easy…well in regards to rules of the work out. 

Next time: If you plan to Q a FKT just say run here and burpees, anything else will be disregarded. Or maybe if I was man enough i could have shown for the standard and detailed my whole 8 page single spaced plan to the “gangstas” that got after it at 510. (Keep it simple stupid)

Lesson 2: it is not politically correct to call the first team run we did today what we called it as kids.

Next time: it shall now be called the Cleveland Guardian Run or the Washington Football Team Run.  Should we vote on that?

Lesson 3:  Metallica is a bad ass that made me feel like less of a man as I’m pretty sure he lapped me.

Next time:  Really don’t foresee any changes here.  But next time we will probably be calling him Councilman Metallica.  GO VOTE! 

Lesson 4: Summit coffee allows tall, strong, manly men to order that girlies drinks.

Next time: plug my ears when Ducky orders his super girly oat milk frapamochalatte with 3 pumps, skim, and a dash of cinnamon.

Lesson 5: them boys from FKT are some bada$$ , in-shape, MFers that get after it Every. Friken. Time. 

Next time: keep getting my butt wooped and asking for more!

