We’re back, except 1

Event Date

Apr 19, 2023

 6 studs appeared this am to get their day started out with some metal work.



SSH’s, Windmills (lead by Grip), IST’s Cherry Pickers, Arm Circles

The Thang:

20 reps of the following exercises with dumbbells:

  • Cross Body Curls
  • Arnolds
  • Reverse Gripped Horizontal Arnold
  • Boat Flutter
  • Bridge Bench
  • Bridge Fly Knee to Chest
  • Overhead Pull Crunch
  • Boat Press
  • Hammer


  • All back from trips except 911, thus the title.
  • V-Dub = FNG-1, back from Switzerland where he went to see his daughter.  Possibly could have some vegetarian tendencies after visiting with his daughter’s host family.   Good to see you back, V-Dub!  His daughter got accepted to Duke!  Only 4% of the applicants get accepted.  Wow. Great job!  
  • Slow Roll back from the Keys and apparently caught a ton of fish while there.  He claims no corn involed but the squid he used for bait must have been very appealing to the fish.  Charlie, his son, now wants a second home and all of dads money when he dies, lol.  
  • Grip back from the Highlands and had a great time there.  After going there, you realize there’s a lot of people with money who shop there.  Great food, great time.
  • Natty Lite, Pinky and Tigre back from the Ville to Ville craft beer relay.  The call by the captain to go up early and get a good nights rest before the relay ended up being some quality pre-gaming by the pax!  High gravity IPA’s got involved which may have impaired the judgement of a few of the gang, namely the one typing this backblast.  Despite the rough 5:00am start, ended up being a great relay with a great group!  Thanks Natty for captaining the team!
  • Slow and Pinky were twinning this morning sporting their orange quarter zips.  These apparently belong to an elite group, the platform performers for the Charlotte 10 miler.
  • Prayers for Pinky’s mother-in-law, Surf’s mother-in-law’s surgery, and Surf’s brother and the loss of a dear friend. 
  • Great work men!