We’re Doin’ What?

Event Date

Oct 27, 2018


A tight knit group of 4 appeared out of the gloom for a little better-ment.  Fun and pain was had by all.

FNG-1 is Hooper, 2.0 of Shredder


Warm Up:
20x SSH
20x Windmill
20x Mtn Climbers
20x Dippy Birds (10x per side)
10x merkins (more coming later)
20x alternating lunges

We're Doin' What? phase 1
Clubhouse Mosey
Say the Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory flying high
100 merkins + 100 situps OYO
*** #CrowdPleaser
*** Dandelion appreciates all the ab work and aptly recognizes how merkins use abs
*** stories of "the good ol' days when we did sets of 100, 75, 50, and 25 prompt Dandelion to predict he could slow the mosey down enough to prevent said BEATdown…sounds like a future challenge…

Return Mosey, all the way back to the back playground
Grab a couple blocks
*** blocks were originally 33# but after the soaking rain yesterday, they must've been 80-90#, give or take…
Mosey to the bottom of the glorious SailView Dr hill

We're Doin' What? phase 2
We all love suicides.  We all love running hills.  We all love block work.
*** disclaimer: 1 or all of these may not be true
5-level hill-icdes, all driveways on the left
– A runs to 1st driveway and back while B does merkins, flip-flop
– A runs to 2nd driveway and back while B does block lift cross, flip-flop
– A runs to 3rd driveway and back while B does Colt 45's, flip-flop
– A runs to 4th driveway and back while B does rest of Colt 45's + plank, flip-flop
– A runs to 5th driveway and back while B does block lift cross, flip-flop

Return blocks
No time for Mary

Reflection:  Matthew 6: 24
"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord]."
*** sometimes this message comes across as a money message.  There is something more to this.  Not just money, but whatever you value most.
*** do you have your priorities straight?
*** does God's work fit in to your life whenever you have space for Him?
*** are you founded in God's work and sharing His love around you and then fit your hobbies and entertainment around that?
*** reflection came from a great message last week at Pursuit church; here is the link if you want to hear a great Spirit-led message:  http://pursuitchurch.org/2018/10/22/what-owns-you-the-power-gap-2/
*** also, if you need a quick praise and worship hit, check out this new original song by the Pursuit worship team:  "Everything"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddk8Wt2j584

Good luck to all Basin Runners next week.
If you want to see what it is about, you can hang out with one of the teams as a driver or as a supporter.  Just ask.  
Also, the Basin Run needs volunteers.  Speak up if you want to volunteer, and we'll hook you up.
SVU will likely converge down at Mustang for next Saturday's workout.

Great honor to hang out and lead you guys.
Be blessed and share the love.