We’re In Jeopardy, BABY!

Event Date

Apr 28, 2017

5 Men arrived in the gloom this mroning, clutching their kettlebells, excited to build their muscles, thrilled that they are not part of a running club. Here is their story:


5:30 Pick up bells and walk to workout area. Wait. Bells aren’t here.

5:32 Get bells out of a great PAX’s car and THEN mosey to the workout area for warmups


  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Windmills
  • 10 IC Cotton Pickers
  • 15 IC Copper Head Squats

Head to the practice field and PAX is presented with Jeopardy headings:

Swinger’s Club / Meet me at the station / Chesticles / Swinging Richards / Hit the Thrusters Mav / Win Win Win / Circle Jerks / Betty Grable / Mary Lou Rhetton

Pax’s Requests were:

1. Chesticles

  • All exercises to benefit your Chest. Till it tickles.
  • 10 IC Kettlebell Touch
  • 5 IC each side Kettle Bell Merkins
  • Superset merkins/Presses – 10IC Merkins, flip over on back and do 10 IC presses, back to Merkin – 5IC, 5 ICPresses, 5IC Merkins, 5 IC Presses
  • Merkin Hot Potato – Everyone in plank with a bell on your right. Use right hand to lift the bell from the right of your body and put between your hands. Use left hand to put to your lleft. Repeato. Passed everyone’s bells twice. both directions. (20 left, 20 right)

2. Circle Jerks

  • All work in a circle, you jerks!
  • Circle Jerk Squats: Stand in a close circle, set the bell to your right, squat down and pick it up, pass it to your left, set it down, stand up, there’s a new bell!!! repeato 3 rounds to the left, 3 times to the right. (15 bells left, 15 bells right)
  • Hot Bell-Tato – Same idea as above, sit in tight circle and pass the bells quickly to the left, then to the right. 3 rounds left, 3 rounds right
  • Plank-Go-Round: Same circle, everyone into high plank, do a traveling plank to the left one time around the circle, then switch directions

3. Win Win Win

  • All exercises in W Formation
  • 10 IC W Shoulder Presses: Right arm, both arms, left arm, “1”
  • 10 IC W Curls
  • 10 IC W Chest Presses – Put our money makers in jeopardy…

4. Mary Lou Rhettons

  • All ribbon work
  • 10 IC Ribbons Right and left
  • 10 IC Halos
  • 10 IC C Curls
  • 10 IC Over the shoulders Left and Right

5. Betty Grables

  • Dancer in the 40s, known for her legs. “In the army they’ve got women, they say they’re mighty fine, with legs like Betty Grabel and a face like Frankenstein!”
  • Leg Work
  • 10IC Lunge Bridges both legs
  • 10 IC Figure 8 Squats each direction
  • 10 IC Goblet squats – Q couldn’t read what he had written on his sheet – WITH PEEPING TOMS – we were supposed to go from a goblet squat to a Peeping Tom – Toe Raise. Oh well…

Mosey to launch pad via the longer way. Stopped for 10 OYO Despiration shots: Set bell on ground, squat down and explode up, chest passing the bell in front of you as far as you can as if trying to make a 1/2 court shot. We’ve wanted to throw our bells for a while. Felt nice. 


CS Lewis: There are only two kinds of people in the end. Those who say to God, “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God says in the end, “Thy will be done.”

Luke 12:27 6 Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? 27 Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Often times we want our will to be done on our time table and we forget that God has a plan and a lesson that we need to learn. If we have faith in God and submit to His will, we will be able to receive his reward. If we insist on our will being done, then we will have to settle for our reward. 



  • When the idea of Jeopardy is announced, someone quotes the Sean Connerly SNL “The rapist” line. Chaos insues and 5 Pax google a classic as soon as they get to work. Was that you Dutch?
  • 4 Topics chose, leaves 4 for next week. I’m excited. You’ll LOVE them!
  • Hefty regrets leaving his tank top at home. Sad his M didn’t lay out the right clothes this morning
  • Bowser (FNG-1) brought it this am. He bought his own bell and is working out at home! 4 pounds to lose to get to his first goal! AYE AYE!!!
  • Zipplock enjoyed thwoing his bells a little too much. On the brighter side, he will be able to cancel his the-rapist session today. 

It was a pleassure as always – Toot Toot!