There may have been more pax than on this list – they launched from all times and locations, running anywhere from about 5 to 13+ miles.
Calypso, BEP, TBone (+/-) launched from Torance around 6AM?
Crocs led a group who launched from somewhere around 6:30?
Ultraman, Die Hard, Frogger, Crabby (+/-) launched from Wynfield Clubhouse around 7AM?
Ultraman’s intent was for all groups to pick up other groups along the way, end at Starbucks Birkdale. The Force parked at Bdale and UM’s crew ran to scoop him up because he was “only” running 7 miles.
Much of this happened, maybe some didn’t, but amid minimal chaos, many runners got their miles and their coffee in the end.
And in the end, UM, Die Hard and The Force went a different route, ran North to Publix and Jetton Park, saw some deer, gazed at the lake, and returned to get The Force not 7 miles, not 7.5, not 7.75 but 8.0 miles by the time it was over.
Tis the season for running. Pretty cool how this many pax not only get this many miles, but try to encourage and join one another along the way, and some even “finish together”……..
That’s exactly as I remember it… strong persistence when the miles ran a little over 🤣