We’re starting a candle company (and did 1,045 reps)

15 Pax did 1,045 reps of pure pain at The Cauldron today. Here’s what went down:


Warmarama (IC):

-Slow Wind Mill x10 (10)

-Side Straddle Hop x50 (100 IC)

-Toy Soldier x10 (20)

-Little Professor/Slippery Dip Can/Dwight Schrute/Carrot Puller/Long Snapper/Soap Locater x10 (10)


The Thang

Circuit 1 (IC):

-KB Marching Soldiers x20 (40)

-KB Curl x20 (40)

-KB Overhead press x20 (40)

-KB Bent-over row x20 (40)

-KB Skull crushers x20 (40)

-KB Squats x20 (40)

-KB Swing x20 (20)

-KB 8 count Burners x10 (20)

-KB Deadlift x20 (20)

-KB Side muffin top crunch-each side-x10 (40)

-KB upright row x15 (30)

-KB Halo x15 (30)

-Calf raises x20 (40)


Circuit 2-On your 6 (IC):

-KB Chest press x50 (100)

-Homer to Marge w/ KB x15 (15)

-Low flutter w/ KB x15 (30)

-American hammer x15 (30)

-Reverse LBC/Dot the i w/KB x15 (15)

-KB plank transfer/drag/switch x15 (30)

-Windshield wiper x20 (40)

-Rosalita w/ KB x15 (30)

-Glute bridge rock the KB plank/hold x5 holds and x15 thrusters (35)

Suzanne Somers each side-x20 (80)

-Chest Press x25 (50)


-Curls x25 (50)

Recover, Recover



All Pax took care of business today. We got in plenty of  reps (1,045, in fact). There was a gas leak in the parking deck and it wasn’t leaking from a pipe (if you know what I mean). We could’ve started our own candle company with all of the aromatic scents that were shared among the Pax. Feel free to drop some potential candle names in the chat. Thanks for working hard gents. It’s always great to start the day off right with F3 brothers.




-Bob Ross-recently lost his mother

-Amens friend Brad lost his mother

-Toby’s mother-in-law’s (Brenda) health and test results



-March 22-Register to participate in or volunteer at The Operation Sweet Tooth 6th Annual Christina Latini Memorial 8K and 2 Mile Walk. If on your cell phone, at the top of the page above the parachute it says event details. If volunteering, click on the carrot; a menu box appears; select volunteer; and scroll down to complete: https://latinimemorial8k.raceroster.com/.

-Metro Sausage Fest – 3/28, 5pm start.  939 Sedgefield Road.  Beer, brats, slaw & fire

-March 29th 8-noon (7am workout)-Possum is seeking volunteers for the Annual Smithville Community Garden/Park Refresh (spreading mulch and other manual labor typically on a Saturday morning). A shovel and strong back is all that’s needed.

-April 5-6- Charlotte Spartan: https://race.spartan.com/en/races/charlotte-north-carolina

-Signups begin soon for “F3 Pickle for Hope”, a four week pickleball doubles spring challenge with benefits going to our friends at Hope House! Tentative launch is the 4 weeks of April, teams will schedule matches among themselves so there are no fixed dates. Play as many matches as you’re able during the 4 weeks. Pick a partner now, signup with a $50 entry fee for each team. More details coming soon.

-Drebin is rescheduling the F3 western NC volunteer trip due to the weather that hit this past weekend. A later date will be scheduled in April. Please DM Drebin if you are interested. And he will add you to the communication thread.

-May 17-11am start.  Rucking to 5-6 breweries.  Bring a ruck or don’t-probably do 5-6 miles.

-May 23-Dragonboat Ramsey Creek Race.

-October 25th-Neck of the Woods Adventure Race website and registration is live! https://t.co/j118U1pj77

-There are plenty of Q slots at all AO’s. Please sign up. For new Pax, volunteer to lead/Q (we’ll help you co-Q). For you seasoned guys, sign up for some Q’s.

-Invite a FNG or brother you haven’t seen in a while who’s a Kotter. Invite that #just1 who needs you more than you know (an invitation is a powerful thing brothers).


Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, TOB-the-wet-sprocket, Mr TOBoto, etc.)
