We’re the three best friends that anybody could have

Event Date

Jan 22, 2020

YHC rolled in a few minutes before 5 for the standard, no one showed so I sat in the car for a few minutes then took off with a plan of 2 miles. After running about a half a mile I realized it was way too cold to run alone so I turned back and warmed back up in the car. Got a little over a mile.



Fescue and Buckeye joined me on an extremely cold morning so we took cover in the parking deck and the following occurred.

The Thang:

  • Mosey down to bottom level
    • SSH, CP, IST, TS, Windmill
  • Grab a block and mosey to ramp
  • 10 Squat IC
  • 10 Curl IC
  • 10 Shoulder Press IC
  • 10 Lawnmower each are
  • 10 Block Mericans IC
  • 1 & 2 are the push up, 3 & 4 was moving from either on the block to the groud or vice versa
  • Quadrophelia up ramp then run down
  • 10 Calf Raises IC
  • 10 Skull Crusher IC
  • 10 Bent Over Row IC
  • 10 Decline Mericans IC
  • AMRAP Exercises
    • 1 Person Runs up 1 entire level and back, other two do exercise and then rotate
    • Curls
    • Step Ups
    • Block Handoff
  • Mosey up ramp w/ block stopping at the top of each ramp to do an exercise
    • Squat
    • Alternating Lunge
    • Monkey Humper
    • Mason Twist
  • Walk down staircase 


  • LBC
  • Pretzel Crunch
  • Jane Fonda
  • Scissor Kick
    • Hold one leg vertical and the other in Homer, switch on my call x 20
  • Plank
  • Downward Dog
  • Pigeon
  • Mosey to cars

Recover Recover




  • Thank you Fescue and Buckeye for showing up, it would have been cold and lonely
  • The parking deck kept us safe from the wind and actually quite warm (given how cold it was)
  • Camp Gladiator got a nice view of the Monkey Humpers…. it just happened that way I definitely didn't choose that in the moment….
  • Thanks Jimmy O for the opportunity, hope you and the family start feeling better soon!


Until next time……. Mr. H