Were those kegs in Soprano’s truck?

Event Date

Nov 14, 2019


I must admit I'm envious of some of the PAX who can arrive at an AO 5 minutes before a workout, with no preparation, do a quick visual scan of the landscape, and immediately and seamlessly come up with a 45 minute beatdown. So when I first heard of the "OG weeks" a few months ago from Moses, I knew there would have do be some sort of prepartion, both mental and physical.  After attending Primo's awesome beatdown last Thursday at Fision, I had a good sense of the "lay of the land", but I still had that nervous sense of lack of prepardedness that maybe we all get (but maybe not).  Should I memorize the workout exactly as scripted?  Would I carry a Weinke and get called out for carrying a Weinke?  Should I put the workout on my iPhone and carry that around, no because I'll be wearing gloves and I wouldn't be able to scoll through my workout.  You get the point.  These are all the things I'm thinking leading up to Q'ing a workout and right before going to bed the night before.  After setting 3 alarm clocks just to make sure I'd be up, I just told myself to have fun and it brought me a sense of peace.

Over 8 years later and I am still completely amazed and in awe of what F3 Lake Norman has meant to so many men and their families in our community and how 7 men would arrive and accompany me in sub-freezing temperatures for something the OG's call "recess".  It was truly a privilege to Q Fission on Thursday.

The Beatdown (from what my frozen/thawed mind remembers)

Imperial Storm Trooper 15×1

Side Straddle Hop 15×1

Tin Soldier 15 x 1 (see mumblechatter comments on this one)

Wacky Jacks 10×1

High Knee jog 30 seconds

Skip rope 30 seconds

Donkey kicks

Mountain climber 10×1

Peter Parker 10×1

Mosey around back of JV Washam

Squats against the wall with air shoulder presses

Mosey to 4 foot wall around playground

Incline merkins 10×1

Decline merkins 10×1

Mosey to Dumpster 

Wide Grip Derkins 10×1 (dumpster merkins)

Mosey to Football Field

Indian run twice around football field

Circle at corner of field for clock planks

Line up at end zone 

20 yards lunges

20 yards bunny hops

20 yards lunges

20 yards bear crawl 

20 yards job

Line up at other end zone

20 yard jog

10 air squats or 5 burpees

repeato across field

Mosey to play round count off in 2's

1's 10 merkins in cadence

2's 10 pull ups

switch, repeat 3

Mosey back around J.V. Washam

Circle for Mary

Low Flutter


LBC's little baby crunches

Heels to Heaven

Pair, plank on partners feet, other partner 25 crunches, switch


Mumble Chatter

Primo immediately uncomfortable upon arriving wearing too many laters (3 I think), but had the tights with no shorts as I recall, classic Primo

Q forgot what to say after finishing an exercise and instead of saying "Recover" said "Relax" several times, called out a few times on that…that's what happens when you don't Q for a long time 

Q got called out for running around a very muddy but frosty football field when there was dry parking lot to work with..good point

Q got corrected called Toy Soldier "Tin Soldier" and PAX made squeaky sounds during the "Tin Soldier" exercise…think Wizard of Oz

Soprano arrived with what appeared to be a few kegs of beer in the back of his pickup, but that can't been proven unless we sampled some of the "said" beer.  

So great catching up with old friends and meeting new ones!

Thanks to all who attended!