Wet bottoms and Blackjack

Event Date

Nov 01, 2022

10 Die Hard Pax showed up ready and willing at one of the finest AO’s in all of LKN known as #Gladiator. Here’s what we all experienced:


Warmarama at base/checkpoint:

-SSH x50 (100)

-Hillbilly x 20 (40)

-Toy Soldiers x20 (40)

-Slow Windmill x10

-Long Snapper/Dwight Schrute/Slippery Dip Can/Carrot Pullers x10


Mosey to checkpoint 2 for the Speed Circuit. Each Pax grabs a parking lot line and:

-60 second ‘Mericans

-Bear crawl

-30 second plank

-60 second Bobby Hurleys

-Bear crawl

-30 second plank

-60 second mini plank bear burpees

-Bear crawl

-30 second plank

-60 second squats

Okay okay -Bear crawl

-30 second plank

-60 second mountain climber

-Bear crawl

-30 second plank

-60 second donkey kicks-alternate legs and push heels to heaven

-Bear crawl

-30 second plank

-60 second Freddy Mercury 

-Bear crawl

-30 second plank

-60 second twist plank (each arm to Heaven)

-Bear crawl

-30 second plank


Recover & grab a log or block:

-Overhead press x20 (40)

-Bent over row x20 (40)

-Curl x20 x2 (40)

-Skull crusher x20 (40)

-Squats x20 (40)


On your 6

-Chest Press x20 (40)

-Rock the block glute bridge x20 (40)

-Suzanne Somers x25 both sides (50)

-Pillow talk x20 both sides (40)


Mosey back to checkpoint 1/base:

-100 ‘WWII’s 


-100 calf raises 


Recover Recover

Yes, there was mumble chatter about getting wet from being on our 6 and backs, but it's F3, right?


Thanks to The Colonel for EHing FNG Nicholas “Nick” Lopez who shall henceforth be known as “Blackjack” (given that he used to work at a casino). Other options are not appropriate to mention here. Guess you had to be there. Just remember that I am the Q who only approves cool names. It should be noted that Blackjack isn’t real good at remembering his age or at counting cards though. Welcome Blackjack! We look forward to posting with you in the future.


Circle of Trust/Announcements/Prayer

 -12/2-Mark your calendars for the Christmas Party @ 11 lakes brewery-bring a donation for Operation Sweet Tooth. Preblast is forthcoming. 

-Remember The Force’s mother and her health battle.

-Praise that Amen’s sons (Ethan and Ben) are okay as they were in a car wreck. Pray they can still use/repair the car.

-Unspoken requests 


Welcome again Blackjack!  Proud of all you gents today. Always an honor to be in your midst. 


Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Tobias, Tobadia, etc..)