Wet & Itchy

Event Date

Jun 27, 2017


9 men, including 1 FNG, came out from the gloom to get Wet & Itchy – Queue dirty comment from Clark

During our Saturday workout Retread said the SC pax liked to roll around in the mud a lot. With the AO being SVU, we know there are no mudpits to waller in so I decided to destroy their pretty pretty lawn.


  • SSH X 15IC
  • Tony Hawks X 15IC
  • Mtn Climber X 15IC
  • Cotton Picker X 10IC


Mosey up to the beautifully manicured island at the main entrance of SVU.


  • Bear crawl to top of island, then Army crawl to curb
  • 10 Burpees
  • Return to other side in the same mode
  • 1 WWI situp
  • Repeato by decreasing 1 on the burpees and increasing 1 on the WWI situp

Mosey across the street to the side yard and get in groups of 3.

  • 1s – suicides with the 3 trees – stop at each one and do 10 merkins
  • 2s – Iron Chair
  • 3s – LBC
  • when 1s finish rotate until everyone had completed each exercise

Mosey back to launchpad


  • Jane Fonda Left X 10IC
  • Stranded Turtles X 10IC
  • Jane Fonda Right X 10IC
  • Freddy Mercury X 10IC
  • 1min American hammer


  • Welcomed Bogomir sp? to the gloom this AM. Blackbeard's brother in law from Ohio that went to UNC then became a Navy Pilot for 14 years.  Recently moved to Sailview with 4 kids and flies for Delta.  Naming suggestions?  Everyone keeps going the Navy route, but that hospital name keeps me thinking LOTR
  • Not sure what all the complaints were about…i had a lovely time rolling around in the grass
  • Cheetah quote – "Close your eyes with doing merkins so the grass doesn't poke you in the eyes"

Pleasure to lead this fine crew,