Wet Modified Murph

Event Date

Jan 24, 2019


5 brave men appeared despite the weather forcast of 100% rain…no rain, no train baby!


SSH x 30 IC, Windmills x 15 IC, Cherry Pickers x 15 IC

Mosey to boat launch

The Thang: 

10 sets of the following:

  1.  Merkins x 10 IC
  2.  Squats x 15 IC
  3.  LBC's x 20 IC

Mosey back to clubhouse


  • The 3 OG's that started MIL F3 workouts (Arizona, the master Q, El  Tigre, and Hambone), were present and accounted for today!  Rainy just like the very first MIL workout, though it was much colder the first workout. (33 and rainy)
  • Some guys did decline merkins, aka derkins, for extra credit.
  • The toothless one spoke many times this am, or someone stepped on a duck…
  • Pax ended up doing 200 merkins, 300 squats, 400 lbc's
  • Strong showing by everyone, especially Ozzie and Krugerrand.  Great work gentlemen!