Wet Sand is The Best Sand

Event Date

Feb 02, 2017


Grab a 40lb bag of play sand from PUF.  ( * = exercise with sandbags)


Sandy V PushUps

Low Crawls & Sandbag Push*

Seal Claps


Duck Walks

Reverse Lunges

Partner Carries

Shoulder Press*

Partner Bear Crawl Drags

(Repeato if form is not to the standard) 


Mission:  Destroy the Bridge

Grab 40 lb sandbags (exposives)

Forge path through forest & marsh, set detonation pile at bridge, and run up the creek.

Full dip in the creek and return to check status of the bridge.

Mission Accomplished

Return to GCC via Greenway


More Partner Carries, Zero Up-Downs, and Walrus Crawls

0600: COT

0605: Post Op – Army PT Test


Very stong work this morning.  Looking forward to embracing the suck with you fools soon.