Wetness…….and bells, abound!

Event Date

Dec 22, 2015

Folks, from early on, we ALL knew this would be a tough Q,

But those that showed, certainly would embrace the other few,

In the soaking rain, most of us wondered if anyone there had a clue,

And it wasn't long before Manhands informed ALL of us, that he had to p__!


There were early calls to bag the Q and hit breakfast with the crowd,

But YHC shook off the revelry and administered the pain,

That all happily endured, as deep down it makes us proud,

As we gather together to focus on our collective aim.


OK, so the Q was mostly ad libbed (read-what is listed below may NOT be 101% accurate), and fun inclusions like the kettble bell throw and chase and numerous minilap runs were Omaha'd, but here's how I remember it going down.  Three ruckers (Big Mean, Mandhands, and Pierogi) emerged out of the soaking gloom to join our party of iron ball swinging.

WarmUps (all IC): SSH 20, IST 15, Soybean pickers 10, Windmills 10, kettle bell rotational swings around the body, 10 each way, KB fig 8's through the legs, 5 each way. Asymmetrical Mericans IC 5 each hand on bell.

The Thang: All IC, unless specified. Curls 20, Skull crushers 15, Mil presses 15, Upright rows 15, KB fig 8's-5 each way.

Ribbons (hip, up and around BACK of head, back to hip w/KB) 10 to each hip, 21's Curls (7 half way up, 7 upper half, 7 full curls), Skull crushers 15, Mil. presses 15, 5 fig. 8 loops each way b/t legs.  Head to wall, step up and KB press up 10, single count OYO, Bent over rows, single arm, 15 single count.

Jog to fountain (now that the rain has let up) 10 incline Mericans, 10 decline Mericans, 10 dips (all IC), jog back to circle of pain (COP).  Some are distracted by a too seductive Jasper Builders truck, more on that later.

Goblet squats 20, Bent over rows 15, (Sledgehammer interlude) outhouse curls 15, skull crushers 15, single arm tricep extensions 10 each arm (ALL IC)

Find  spot on the wall, 20 incline Mericans, 10 decline Mericans, OYO, single count.  Grab KB, bent over rows 15 each arm, single count.  Goblet squats/mil presses 15 IC, bent over rows, 15 IC.

Mary: 20 V-ups IC.

Recover, recover.


-The mumble chatter was strong, severe, and persistant, and that's putting it mildly.

-Manhands had a problem, he let us ALL know about his problem, he was directed as to HOW to relieve his problem, but he waited until AFTER the post to resolve his problem……..his problem.

-Crack was concerned about YHC being flustered by the quite vocal mumblechatter.  Luckily, my skin, as well as my skull, is thick and well able to withstand such verbal slingshotting from the PAX.

-Chief, hanging out there as happy as ever!

-Deepend and Ticktock stood out for the respects and commanded a quiet and well deserved 'respect' for their performance today.

-Honeymoon continues to be the most consistent poster, vewy imprwessive!!

-After the fountain jog, several unnamed PAX removed several tools and such from Sledgehammer's truck (as he was IN NYC Bagel getting his coffee) as a 'jolly' way to encourage him back to our group.  Also, shouts of 'we pray at the end' were heard from….guess who??!!

-Please NOTE: Mandhands, Pierogi, and Big Mean got their pre-KB ruck on and took in some additional moisture while doing so, ostensibly.

-WHAT, not ONE KB swing…….how'd that happen??!!  Mailman is going to be irate!, too bad he can't do anything about it.

-London, thanks for the opporutunity to lead and enjoy your time at the mountain estate.