We’ve been blent

8 hard-chargers and a canine sallied out in prime gloom conditions to become blent and spent.  About half-way through the warm-o-rama YHC was inspired to bestow the GCC "hub and spoke" adventure.  In the last few days YHC has endured Stapler's Tropic Thunder, a lengthy run, the Murph and now this.  Several others were also coming off the Murph, which we all agreed causes much wailing and grinding of teeth no matter how many years you've been doing it.  Meanwhile, Bagboy was on fairly fresh legs coming off Dad's Camp.  He was having an awesome morning despite having to practice evasive driving to avoid a wayward Goat on Hwy 21.  'Twas a nice morning out there gents.  Aye.

Sent in perpetual and fraternal soreness,

G. Goat