What a bunch of Squares at The Estate

17 Squares embarked on a math lesson and an awesome looking run.  I mean, look at this awesomeness on Garmin!:


12 of these men had just finished running 4+ miles at Excelsior.  Here is how the Excelsior story went down: http://www.f3isotope.com/content/excelsior-gets-a-visit-from-hollywood

Here is The Estate story:

06:59:  Pledge of Allegiance.  Quick Disclaimer


  • 1 Mosey around parking lot, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia.
  • 4 IST IC
  • 9 Soybean Farmers IC
  • 16 SSH IC
  • 25 Slow Deep Squats IC (Down for 3, up on 4)
  • 36 seconds of Seal Claps
  • 49 seconds of Arm Circles  (many of the clever PAX began to sense a pattern…)

The Thang:

Mosey to the bottom of 3 soccer fields, on the right side (when looking up towards Beatties Ford Road).

Round 1 – 64 Burpees:

  • Run diagonally across the bottom soccer field (i.e. field 1) to the upper left side of field 1, perform 10 burpees OYO, then crawl bear up the hill to the lower left side of field 2.  Flutter kicks while waiting for the 6.
  • Run diagonally across the middle soccer field to the upper right side of field 2, perform 10 burpees OYO, then crawl bear up the hill to the lower right side of field 3.  Flutter kicks while waiting.
  • Run diagonally across the upper soccer field to the upper left side of field 3, perform 11 burpees OYO.  Flutter kicks while waiting.  Quadraphilia across the field to the upper right side of field 3.
  • Reverse direction. Run diagonally across the upper soccer field to the lower left side of field 3, perform 11 burpees OYO, then bear crawl down the hill to the upper left side of field 2.  Flutter kicks while waiting.
  • Run diagonally across the middle soccer field to the lower right side of field 2, perform 11 burpees OYO, then bear crawl down the hill to the upper right side of field 1.  Flutter kicks while waiting.
  • Run diagonally across the bottom soccer field to the lower left side of field 1, perform 11 burpees OYO, then flutter kicks while waiting.

Round 2 – 81 Mericans:

Mosey to the lower left side of the parking lot, if facing Beatties Ford Road.

Repeat the above diagonal pattern, but using the parking lot islands as stopping points for 13 Mericans OYO.

On the 6th set do 16 Mericans instead of 13 (to get to 81).

(Some PAX questionned if we really just did 81. Appreciate everyone ensuring "Square Integrity"!)

Round 3 – Rock work:

Mosey to the rock pile for a medium sized rock.  Against the wall near the picnic tables, we did:

  • 100 seconds of the people’s chair, with rock curls x 20 IC, then stand up for
  • 121 seconds of Zamporinis with rock overhead.  Stealing from Ditka, we made this time go by faster by learning the origins of everyone's F3 names.  Return rock when done

We had some extra time because everyone was fast today.  We did a 200 M lunge walk, using the track, then ran the remaining 200 M.

Round 4 – Mary:

  • 144s.  Just like 100s, only longer!
  • 169 seconds of plank.  Yes, this sucked a bit.
  • Soybean farmers x 10 IC (I think it may help after the lunge walk, but who knows if it really stretches anything?)
  • Low Flutters x 20 IC
  • LBCs x 20 IC

Recover, recover.  Total distance was 2.10 miles according to my Garmin, link above.


  1. We didn't think we could successfully pull off a convergence in Davidson today, given our collective lack of Twitter expertise. We did, however, keep Duvall in our thoughts today and we prayed for his family after both workouts.
  2. Extremely strong work from everyone!
  3. Lone Star and Eeyore joined their 5 Hollywood brothers who doubled down at Excelsior.  Apparently, these 7 have clown car'd it in 1 car on occasions.  Don't we need a new Lexicon definition when the number gets to 7?  Clown car almost seems inadequate there.  In any case, if you happen to live in their neighborhood and haven't been EH'd to F3 yet…just give in.  Resistance is futile.  Every single man aged 18-65 in that neighborhood will soon be in F3, great EH'ing bros.
  4. Awesome mix of F3 vets (Sponge Bob, Snake Eyes, 9 Lives, Elmers, Tantrum, Professor, Binary, and Blackbeard) and newer guys (Jingle Bells, Madden 24, Smash, Lone Star, Magnus, Eeyore, Dry Rub, Tiramisu, YHC).  (Apologies if any of that experience is misstated, sound off below if so.)  In any case, the excitement level was very high from both groups.
  5. Tiramisu is fast.  Magnus is fast.  These 2 sprinted several of the Xs during the Burpee portion of the workout, quite fast.  In fact YHC called BS on Magnus for being so jacked and fast at the same time.  I will try to arrange a "sprint-off" between Magnus, Ramrod, and other beastly fast dudes.  How / when can we make this happen bros?
  6. Blackbeard and his 2.0 Madden 24 with the strong double down today.  Also saw them at #Fallout this week.  Great work.
  7. YHC forgot to kick it over to Snake Eyes for some shoulder touch Mericans during Mary.  I'm embarrassed and ashamed, that shall not happen again Sir!
  8. Awesome work as always from The Estate regulars: Sponge Bob, Snake Eyes, 9 Lives, Elmers, Jingle Bells, Tantrum, Professor, Black Beard, etc.
  9. Great 2nd F afterwards at coffeteria.  Awesome way to start the weekend.
  10. Thank you Professor for the opportunity to lead this fine crew.  Hope everyone enjoyed the workout and the math.

Aye brothers, have a great weekend.