What a “Gross” Event

Event Date

Oct 01, 2016

10 men met in the wonderfully cool, first Fall, Saturday to learn what a "gross" was. 12 dozen is a gross, which we will get to. 


SSH – 15 IC

Windmills – 10 IC

Mountain Climbers – 10 IC

Cotton Pickers – 10 IC

SSH – 15 IC

The Thang

Mosey to band practice field

Tunnel of Love – While Pax plank side by side, one by one someone crawls under the tunnel (ELHS Version “on back”) of planking pax.

Grab a lifting Rock –

Skull Crushers – 10 IC

Curls – 10 IC

Chest Presses – 10 IC

Mosey to big hill at baseball field

Head to bottom quadraphilla up…repeat

Mosey to practice golf tee area, behind left field. To be grossed out. 

The Gross 12 exercise x 12 reps = 144 a Gross or 12 dozen (you’re welcome)

  • Tempo Merkin, in cadence, with 3 count down, 1 count up.
  • SSH
  • In and Outs
  • LBC
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Squats
  • Running in place arms out
  • Burpees
  • Plank
  • Low plank
  • Trailer Park Merkin
  • Mountain Climber

Back to the hill – partner work, hands on shoulders and provide resistance as you go up, rinse & repeat for other PAX.

Mosey to Catawba Springs Elem. – completed suicides in front lot, high knees, karaoke L&R, butt kickers, and sprints.

Mosey to Q's house – conduct monkey humpers on curb 10 IC, hoping M was awake.

Mosey back to Launch Pad for Mary. Mary-go-round style, all 10 PAX called and led, at least, one round.


Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.

Peace is more than the mercurial, vaporous, whimsical wish of folks who just want everyone to get along and things to be calm. The peace the apostle Paul is describing her, peace with God, goes much deeper than simply a desire for calm and for a lack of conflict.

—Romans 5:1-2

Always a pleasure to led the group. Be kind, do something, make a difference!
