What All Can You Do With A Wall?

Event Date

May 15, 2018


PAX not listed:  Kwame.

7 Pax came out for a humid, sweat filled tour of some of TPR’s most frequently visited walls. 


With all the short and tall walls throughout TPR, it was decided that we would see how many different exercises we could do on how many different walls.  Turns out we repeated some exercises and only covered a small portion of the walls – leaving ample opportunity for next time! 


SSH, IST, Windmill, Mountain Climber, Calf stretches, Merchans, Leg Stretches.  


Mosey to wall behind CVS & racoon crawl the whole thing.  REPEATO!

Mosey to LNCS, temporary distraction with the party bus in the side parking lot with neon lights & a crowd gathered around it sent us to the often run past South side wall.  People’s Chair with Air Press.  Human Protractor – 30, 60, 90, 60, 30.  People’s Chair w/ Air Press.  Balls/Bum 2 Wall – another temporary distraction watching Kwame repeatedly trying to get into the starting position… 

Mosey to DUMC breezeway wall – Incline merchans, Bulgarian squat, seated tuck on the wall, Decline merhcans, alternating step ups, seated tuck, dips, single leg box squat, seated tuck.

Mosey to wall behind Summit – Feet up Mountain climber, Stationary bear crawl reach, stationary bear crawl step down.  REPEATO.  Circle up for mid-point Mary – LBC, Right over Left, Left over right, low/high flutter.

Mosey to front of Audio/Visual building & find a column for people's chair.  (A column counts as it's just a tall skinny wall!)  Unexpected inspiration looking at the two low walls in front of us, each with a big ball on the end, lead to an unplanned B2W (I think Kwame may have made it up this time?)

Mosey back to Green – can’t forget about the main wall in front of the library – Dips!  Then circle up for Mary, LBC, H2H, Rosilta, Homer & Marge.  Back to wall as almost forgot one of main wall exercises – Box Jumps.  End with J-Low. 

Recover, Recover. 

Appreciated the opportunity to workout with the early risers!  Thanks for the inspiration and motivation, especially considering it was 70 degrees at 5:15am.  Glad Kwame could join us as first thought when he finally showed up was that he was early for the 5:30 workout.  On a personal note, it was nearly 3 years ago, on a Tuesday in May of 2015 when I posted at my first F3 workout in Davidson after Grillz EH'ed me.  I myself showed up early for the 5:30am workout that day, saw the 5:15 guys already underway and freaked out thinking I was late, had gotten the timing wrong, etc.  I rushed over to the circle just as they were heading out & thankfully someone was nice enough to say "If you're here for the 5:30 workout, it will be starting in a few minutes, just wait here."  This was just an initial glimpse into the value this group has created & continually provides to me on so many levels.  I'm humbled at the opportunity to share in this with so many unique and inspiriing men! 

Main announcement was a Coyote reminder – this Saturday at 6am on the Green!